Machinedrum - Still relevant or a nostalgia piece?

I keep my MD b/c it has 16 channels of midi control and 16 lfos. It was cheap to get my md uw mk2 w/+ and it has an older elektron sequencer. Kind of hard to beat that unless you get inside the box. I really want to get rid of it, but I really cant yet which sucks. I was hoping a couple of years ago that elektron would put midi out features in the rytm so I could unload it but I am beginning to think ti will never happen. Just sucks b/c I want a one stop piece for my “brain” and Im stuck using it (md) for now.

Thanks! Thread here: Techno live gig - AR AH MD MM ao

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Amazinggg !
People comparing rytm and md uw are wrong ! This is particular to the MD, this machine has so many capacities…
Looks like a pro liveset with big commercial transition.

Nice album on bandcamp… Track 2 is charming. Is this straight recorded + add voice or is this about samples to the daw ?

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Another question:

I am seeing a few MDs for sale out there that are dead (won’t turn on, or have other issues).

Does Elektron still service these if I do get a working one and it dies on me?

Are MDs prone to any particular issues, particularly as they age? (ie dying screens, power failure, etc)

Seriously you should buy an mk2 UW + drive in a good condition I’m sure you will find one, maybe you can for 600pounds ! I’m not sure Elektron can work on old “dead” MD but maybe…


Besides the last track, It’s recorded out of the A/B channel stereo from the beats made on the MD. Then recorded vocals in DAW and minor wave editing edits for vocal drops and such. The meat of it is from MD. I’ve performed many of the songs live with just the MD to a mixer with the emcee.

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Here ya go: played only on MD even though I got my DAW on the laptop, that was for other songs in the set.


You made a good work !!
And your friend has a good rap…

Really nice freestyle
Big up from Paris kheys !

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I had to rig mine so that my Midi in/outs are constantly hooked up to the computer for sysex transfers.

That’s really nice. Sounds great.

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They are relevant and nostalgic for me, I was 19 when I got my first one and have always loved them. Whenever I was short of cash I would sell it, but as soon as I had money again it was bought again. It’s my boomerang machine along with the nord modulars.


Enjoyed that. Reminds bit of Dan the automatic or deltron 3030

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May not be your jam, but this trick is what sold me on the UW.


You can do the trick with the regular machines, but it gets the weirdest with samples.

I don’t have too much to add to the eloquent words of this thread save to further confirm the accuracy and importance of this…


Others have mentioned the most interesting aspects. To me it’s: the emphasis on digital drum synthesis and unabashedly digital timbres, which hasn’t been trendy for a decade or so but is set to have renewed interest; the live resampling and looping machines which can get really crazy while still staying musically “of a piece” with whatever you’re doing; CTRL-all sequencer tracks; plenty of free-floating LFOs; etc. But even aside from the specifics, there’s just some kind of magic dust in the machine. It’s never been anything less than interesting to use and rewarding to learn, and it always produces results I like.

Yeah. I’m glad I made this thread and slept on it before bidding. I think I’ll hold off a bit and keep my eyes open for a deal on a UW in good shape. It seems like there are a lot of MDs out there in Japan, so it’s probably just a matter of timing…and the truth is that what I really want is for them to release a MKIII, so I don’t have to worry about the stuff you face with old electronics (my old Yamaha SU10 just kicked the bucket suddenly a few weeks back).

I listened to @Bobeats YouTube video on GAS the other day before falling asleep and it has some good points about getting the most out of existing gear whenever possible. I want to see if my MD itch can be scratched to some extent by sampling a bunch of Microtonic drums into my Digitakt and then experimenting with resampling to free up tracks as needed.

One of the problems I’m facing at the moment is that I just sold off about $5G worth of gear, so I’m finding myself REALLY tempted to pickup pieces of gear that have been on my radar for a long time, the MD being a prime example. Must. Stay. Strong.


that’s the video that convinced me to buy one and I wouldn’t trade mine for any other piece of Elektron kit


still use Machinedrum on the reg

Ha - I had a hot streak of downsizing and minimizing myself. …at which point, I saw a good deal on an OT mkII and couldn’t resist. :man_shrugging:t3: And then I picked up the Volante… At least I sold 7 pieces to bring in 2 bigger ticket items…

I say try to hold out until you find just the right item. Then again $5 g’s might not miss what it would take to get an MD… :evil:

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