Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]

Curious, how many of you have MegaCommand but don’t have a TM-1?
I have a custom MegaCommand fw that mimics TM-1 for firmware upgrade.
Takes two minutes to flash it.


Is MegaCommand a hardware solution?
Where can I get it?



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I’ve got MCL and a TM-1 that doesn’t work! I’d love to try that out. Is it specifically tuned for upgrading or can it mimic the Turbo for SDS ?

Don’t you still use RAM machines ?

i :sparkling_heart: RAM machines

this would be a good t-shirt


are there any issues with the swing. in x0.04 it seems that swing is global only. i tried to swing a track but instead it swings “all” even though i was on the tr:x swing not “all”. anyone encountered this issue?

No repro – individual swing works here.
Note that you’ll have to clear the swing pattern for the tracks that you don’t want it – only the swing amount is global.

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Bonkers os update, thanks so much to the machinedrum geniuses . Happy 20 years machinedrum. Congrats on all the hard work.
Enjoying jamming with the mm style machines - so great. And the new os… glues together so well with the megacommand.

As @v-yadli says it’s one of the MD UI quirks that it implies that swing amount is adjustable per track, but it’s not. The swing % value applies globally to all tracks. However, you can adjust which trig steps are affected by the swing value on a per-track basis.

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People: nooo this is not MachineDrum
MD: comeon🎵




FAKE! there’s a MnM off screen! :wink:

Obscure reference t shirt.
I’d buy one.
Except people would think I’m talking about american pickup trucks.

There’s a subtle difference between RAM and ramming :wink:

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spits out chew in disbelief

“Whaddyu say bout mah truck?”



The slide to the outro :slight_smile:

Wait, where’s that vocal sample on track 4 coming from at 0:35? Isn’t that a non-UW MD? Midi triggering the UW next to it?