Machinedrum SPS1-UW X.04 Released [ Unofficial ]


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:running_man::dash: sketch


song mode bug report

currently in pattern mode muting a track disables midi in note triggers.

in song mode when i program a mute on the same track midi notes sneak through the mute.

Thatā€™s how MIDI triggering works in pattern mode.

Not sure about song mode, sounds like a bug.

A little bug with trig preview. If I preview a trig with p-locks while the sequencer is running, the rest of the trigs in that track also play with the same p-locks with the previewed trig until the pattern plays through the p-locked trig again. Hope I could make it clear, if not just lay a few trigs on a track, put some p-locks on just one trig, preview it while the sequencer is running and listen to the other (not p-locked) trigs.

Also after I updated I found that some tracks on my old kits switched to tonal mode. But I donā€™t care, I love this update, thanks again folks!


See the text in the video description: ā€œThis is a Machinedrum UW version, but it was upgraded from a non-UW so the display is the old oneā€¦ā€ :wink:


Iā€™m curious how notes were recorded. Only by hand ?

This was explained before in some post, as far as I understood itā€™s because the default/tonal setting uses a memory address that was previously unused and basically contains garbage before you use it.


Interesting, I donā€™t think I realised that that was possible, I thought it was only the plus drive that could be added later.

Iā€™d love to make my non-UW mk2 a UW if that is possible.

Edit: right, so they did.

I didnā€™t realiseā€¦ BRB, sending a hopeless email to Elektron supportā€¦


Itā€™ll be a complete main board replacement. The extra RAM needed for the UW upgrade sits next to the DSPs.


Hi! I guess I have a bug:

in LFOs, the ā€œleft waveā€ itā€™s not working with the VOL parameter. I tried to do the slow attack workaround with some of your new lfo sines and I couldnā€™t. Works with other parameters, but not with VOL.

Thanks again for this amazing update.

how are you using it?

works well for me using:

have you set your VOL to 0 so it rises?

Did you tried with ā€œTrigā€ instead of ā€œFreeā€? I didnā€™t set vol to 0, but it works in the right sine.


SHP2 offers inverted waveforms of the ones available in SHP1.

Hi. Sorry I didnā€™t get it. SHP1 and SHP2 were always inverted. So, it works in SHP1 in yours? in that case, I will check it tonight. Thanks

SHP1 will have no effect if youā€™re trying to raise a value thatā€™s already at max value. so you wonā€™t hear any change in sound.


I wasnā€™t lucky enough to find one with a TM-1 so some kind of device that could do that would be great.

Dear hackers or whatever you should be called,
Iā€™d love to be able to input notes (in Tonal modes) via MIDI. I just started working on a Max/MSP patch to do just this, I can play them chromatically, itā€™s a bit glitchy but it works.
May I ask if the 16 step button states (pressed/unpressed) + Current Page are accessible via Sysex ?
Also, is there a place where I can find an ā€œanalysisā€ of how a Pattern dump works ? Maybe itā€™s best asked to the ā€œMegacommand guysā€ ?
Thanks a lot !

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