M:C obsolete now there's ST?

Not on ST, except via soundpool sound-locks


There’s no functional difference between Sound Locks and “p-locking the machines”.

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P-locking machines is definitely easier and more fun than messing around with the soundpool. Elektron never made it easy to take sounds into and out of the soundpool.


Well the parameters of a track sound are (re)set for a sound lock whereas a machine swap inherits


Well on the rytm you can sound lock but not p-lock the different analog machines on the same track

On the MC i can sound lock existing preset but also p-lock individual machines on the same track and together with ctrl all if you can do every in real time recording you get amazing results

I think it could be interesting to use Syntakt with a M:C

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But different Machines have different parameters, so many of them couldn’t inherti. Sure, that could sound brilliant and would be a fun side-effect, but it’s pretty easy to see why they didn’t design it that way (IMO).


I have an M:C but hadn’t discovered this feature yet (I generally only use it on a battery, as a fidget toy on train journeys). I’ve used sounds locks, but didn’t know you could p-lock the Machines.

Noted. Thanks for the lesson.


I mean the values, rather than parameters.

It’s subtly different imho as a soundlock comes with values loaded whereas a machine swap won’t change the existing values (aot related parameter)


I guess I need to go back to M:C school.

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nah, the affordability and the immediacy of model:cycles will keep it away from becoming obsolete


Plus, and I can’t stress this enough, the Model:Cycles has a different sonic character due to the low headroom. You can get these wicked distorted lofi FM sounds out of it. Thats missing on the Syntakt.

It’s the special sauce that makes the M:C what it is.


100% agree

The ST has an overall drive on the analog bus which is already gained up a bit. Half its range is backward(attenuating) from 1 to 0 and the rest from 1 to spinal tap 11 is cranking up

All that is to say that the ST has its own special break up sauce ‘potential’, can’t say I sought to find that MC grit which is delicious

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All the distortion in demos I’ve heard sounds rather generic and boring. Where’s the CRUNCH!?


yes this is my feeling totally, the AR is really at a loss here with the syntakt really covering a lot ground. I wonder if that will put the AR cheaper on the used market, I’m still mesmerized by the beauty of the device itself.

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Why would a product at a different price range be obsolete? This seems like another one of those negative threads.


Repeat after me: « nothing is obsolete »


well that’s a relief, I got nervous for a second because that would have been the first waffling point for me yet

I’m actually kind of happy about Syntakt’s overlap with M:C as it reduces the GAS for me. At the same time, it’s cool knowing there’s now a super-powered upgrade available if I want to get deeper into that sonic palette and workflow.


This was a genuine, rational question. I was thinking of selling it and maybe buying a Syntakt. I was thinking how it will impact people’s view of M:C. Do they think we are going to get an update and so on.

Now you’re bringing that “negativity” vibe here yourself.