Loud clicking on the RYTM Compressor with certain settings and LPF side chain

I am seeing this on a brand new RYTM MK2 black.

I get the right channel to produce a click with it just sitting doing nothing - no sound goign through the compressor. This seems to only happen when the sidechain thing is set to LPF

The following settings cause a loud clicking noise in the right channel of the audio:
THR: 27
atk .1
rel .1
MUP : 90
rat 1;2
MIX 127
VOL 127

I have no idea whats causing this. It is happening even when no sound is playing…

I left it turned on for a few hours and calibrated - now i get the loud sound playing through both left and right lol.

Also to note - but maybe unrelated. When I turned on my RYTM this morning I experienced this: Analog Rytm MK2- Missing Cal: Pads

I have put a support ticket in just wanted to make a post here in case anyone else seen this

A post was merged into an existing topic: Rytm LFO on compressor- right channel click

… please keep it tidy by posting in the original thread on the topic you found though, you’ve already posted in that one too …
