Losing faith in the Analog Rytm

The glitchy pads is an easy fix. Some early mk2 units has this unfortunately. Just contact elektron and they will send you what you need to fix it. (I did this and was able to do the fix myself. Don’t tell anyone ;])


Two years ago I also had an ARmk2, the pads stopped qorking properly aswell. It’s kind of a bummer tuis happens to a 1.5k+ € device! Imo elektron cpuld do better.

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GAS avoided thanks to this thread (and a few others, to be honest).

I was thinking about upgrading from mk1 to mk2 - Mostly because of the screen size. I get very tired after a session with mk1 and I think the tiny screen is very much to blame.
Resampling option and CV ins would be very nice too, and there would be hope for better pads.

But selling mk1 and getting a (black friday deal) mk2 would still cost at least 600/700€.
And then I read the pads on mk2 are still terrible.

Nevermind then.

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I really love my old AR MKI. But have to say that the pads often exhibit issues - you press one, it registers as another pad being pressed for example. And sometimes you really have to press them hard. And the screen has set itself to some incredible brightness which I cannot adjust, so you have to view it from directly above! Because of these reasons I have never used it live at a gig, but then again I haven’t played a gig for quite a while now. Still love the thing though, and use it quite a lot in the ‘studio’ at home.

The pads are very stiff and I have had annoying issues in the past too, and I don’t like the disco light show neither. And then the tiny screen makes my head hurt.
I still keep it, so that’s how much I really like the sound.

There’s a contrast dimmer inside the machine. Are you comfortable opening it and adjusting it? It might help!

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Ooh… am I comfortable doing it? No.

Will I do it anyway? Probably!


I binned mine

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the new 1.70 update provides a light dimming setting on the Rytm now! It works great to avoid blinding lights.

is there a fix for the pads to become more responsive?

Just in case:

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Not that I know, would like that too.

I now just play in stuff using the triggers instead.

back when i had only a sp404og i had the same problem, and there were some fixes for the pads. they were also bad at response just as the rytm’s. one of the fixes was a kind of graphite paint and another was to put aluminum tape under the pads on the conductive material

i dont know if this could fix the issue

Have you fitted the sheet? I’ve got one on the way after finally raising a ticket. Nor sure if it fully cures the issue or not?

Edit. Sorry I didn’t read your post properly. I’ve got the adjacent pad triggering issue

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Now thats something i didn’t know and might just make me buy one.


Thank you!

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got rid and not looking back

I actually found it by accident after looking under the settings and projects folder. Nice touch and made me happy.


why? I love my Rytm especially now.

loads of features I didn’t use, so a bit of guilt around why I had it if I was only using a few tom sounds - if it was my only piece of gear then hell yeah but as an under utilised piece of gear it did’t find a place in my setup


If not having a dedicated drum machine would you choose it?