Looking for a multitrack synth

I don’t think I have a defined / concrete genre :sweat_smile:
I am kind of proud of this sound with the Mono Station https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u5Sy97urJjQ or this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B0gzErRzBbY
And this with the A4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EzZQScmkA3Q

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wow those are great. and it seems like you can cover most of the bases with just two devices.
whats in your setup rn? i think you said you dont have A4 anymore. do you still have monostation?

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I currently have model:samples & model: cycles
I am selling the cycles so I opened this thread for the replacement :slightly_smiling_face:

Dare i say Deluge? I’m really enjoying the onboard synths and Drumkits and overall sequencing workflow so far.

Waldorf M would be the best choice aside from elektron stuff. i know its over your budget, but if you were at all considering the a4 mk2, you can still get the M for like $1500 plus about $130 (VAT + Shipping + $10 power cable from amazon) from Thomann to the us. which is slightly more than used mk2’s

What is it about cycles that doesnt suit you?

The sound
I don’t feel I can get what I like :sweat_smile:

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Soundwise Cycles and Digitone are going to share similarities.
Its true that you can get way more idepth into sound design on the Digitone and get sound that sound nothing like FM, but it will take some dedication.

Theres really just a handfull of multitimbral synths to choose from out there right now, and i think DN is the strongest one in the medium weght class.

You already tried A4, so why not check out if DN would do anything for you. :ecstatic:

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Yeah, I am aware

Sure, it was my first option before opening this thread :grin:

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Do you mean this?

Over the budget, I am afraid

No, when I said A4 I mean an used mk1

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How about a Korg Wavestate?

I have checked some Korgs videos last week
I am pretty sure they can play great bass / synth sounds, but most of them always tend to focus in a ‘kind of acid’ sounds which I don’t like. That doesn’t happen (or happen less) in Roland’s

Another point is the size of the machines, not confirmed but it seems the Wavestate is kindly bigger than the A4, which would be the limit in terms of size for the stand I have

In fact, and talking about Korg, some time ago I was considering to get a Volca Kick for the bass sounds (yes, the Volca Kick :grin:), but I don’t think it can pair very good with model:samples in terms of storage / program changes

i wanted to suggest to daisy chain two volcas, like kick and keys, but ive never used them so i dont know if they sound good. It would be a nice small setup though.

A bit of more YouTube research…
Adding Roland JU 06A as an option :sweat_smile:

Damn! And the SH-01A
I am in trouble now :scream:


4 part multitimbral, 32 voice polyphony (x version,the plain 2 is 16 voice), a solid drum section, 4 outs. I see second hand prices have risen since I last looked.


Not multitimbral.

Yes, was going to post it
So, not an option :+1:t3:

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Not sure if it’s single track too