Logic Pro coming to iPad

My thoughts exactly!!!

Its good to see quite a few iPAD devs releasing new versions that have the ā€˜tileā€™ GUI in Logic- Nice!

Another one with the op-1f. If you midi slave the op-1 to the ipad it scrubs with the logic timeline. Works great! 4 additional hands on tape tracks!


And another oneā€¦ some auv3ā€™s are apparently compatible with the au versions on your mac. I opened a project started on the ipad on mac and I was using FabFilter Saturn 2, which I also have installed on the mac. It opens set as is on the ipad.

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Cool workflow video:

I will have to learn Logic

oh yeah it wont be surprise features every couple of months, id take yearly consistent updates and software made by apple for their ipad over the current status quo any day of the week. its really a home run for the legitimacy of the ipad as an intended production device. I mean its been great for ages but its brilliant to see apple actually jumping on board fully. I look forward to seeing how this plays out and I have great faith this will only grow the ios music community and likely draw in even more developers and innovation


I think I might be a big fan of the Logic sequencer and how you can easily and quickly resize to see and access your step sequencer, timeline arrangement and instruments and mixer channels from the same screen.

Modstep(?), Xequence2, Helium (combined with AUM) Iā€™ve all tried and loved in concept but ultimately struggled with maintaining an overall picture of what Iā€™m doing and having to constantly switch screens.


Are you using Lightning or USB-C? A recent iOS update bricked the Lighting to usb adapters. They are working on a fix.

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Is it possible to transfer midi files into logic?

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Interesting, thanks. I do think itā€™s likely to be a dongle issue. I thought it was because I bought a cheap imitation rather than paying Ā£40 for the Apple one, but looks like a bug.

Ah yeah I had a cheap one in the past and it was inconsistent. I think unfortunately this is one of those situations where you have to pay the apple tax :triumph:

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I have read that you just drag and drop them to the timeline.

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If you open your files app with the MIDI file you want to use showing and then tap on the three dots on top of your iPad and choose slide over. This will ā€œhoverā€ the files app over Logic Pro. Just slide the file into a track and it opens it in Logic. I tried this with a MIDI file and it created 8 tracks and all the corresponding instruments in one shot. Pretty cool.


Peter Kirn has a review up that I found really helpful and thorough:


Thanks! A bit clunky but I got there in the end!

Read it and found it mostly hype. Even he doesnā€™t mention the horrible GUI with some of the plugins.
Like how did he missed that or did he see it and just didnā€™t wanna inform people about it?

I found the Kirn piece useful as a new user to Logic, since itā€™s a pretty full description of all the features beyond the presets and the headline new items. More walkthrough than review, sure.

A few days into the trial (the lessons and some manual reading) now Iā€™m glad to know what kinds of things it can do (and impressed) I donā€™t think itā€™s right for me and my setup at the moment (esp with Auv3s I like and my own samples I want to use, and hardware to record). But still, will keep an eye on how it develops.

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I find the guis to be just fine. They scale well, everything is easy to find and touch. Itā€™s good to me.


I just tracked a song into LP for iPad, from a Digitone and Digitakt.

The Digitakt is connected via usb for audio and midi, the DN connected to the DKā€™s analog ins.

It was super easy. I prefer to record in one track at a time with the others muted, so I can also record the FX, but even so, the MIDI sync (Logic is in control) is good, and itā€™s all ready to arrange.

I know that tracking audio into Logic isnā€™t news, but it works so well with just an iPad and a single USB cable that thereā€™s very little barrier to recording stuff. This has always been a sticking point for me in the past

I also recorded in some longer samples from the DT, and now Iā€™m chopping them up with the new Beat Breaker, which is also rad. I plan to keep working on the song across Logic and the Digis, as going back and forth is so reliable, and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses.

A big thumbs up. Definitely buying this after the trial is up.


Well you were right. I stumped up the Apple tax and now it works! But as far as I can tell I donā€™t have the option to choose input channel from my audio device, only output channel? Makes it useless for me if thatā€™s the case. I had thought about swapping my MPC Live for this, but having played around a bit I think the MPC is currently better overall.

Edit. You can choose the input channel in the mixer section. So itā€™s all good now.