So how do I get the sounds from the +Drive into the bank of sounds available to p lock by holding trig and turning level knob
You don’t. The only sounds you can p-lock are the 128 sounds in the sound pool of the current project. But each project can have its own pool.
So how do you get a +drive sound into the soundpool then… Manual reading time.
hit fn+sound, scroll to sound manager, press yes.
press cursor left. there’s a “—> pool” (go to pool) or “—> +drive” (go to +drive) option depending on whether you are looking at the pool or at the +drive at the moment.
so you want to be in the +drive… this means if it’s showing “–> pool” you are already there. you can also see where you are whether there are letters A-P before the individual sounds or not. the letters show up only when you’re in the +drive, indicating individual banks.
i hope this is a clear description… if it is confusing read it a couple times
so in the +drive, scroll to some sound, then hit cursor right, select the option COPY TO POOL, hit yes.
(if you are in the project sound pool, there is a COPY TO +DRIVE option instead).
you can select multiple sounds and do something with them by pressing YES in the list of sounds to select/deselect them.
GENERALLY: the menu on the left side is for navigation. the menu on the right is for doing stuff.
Thanks void.
Each project has its own 128-patch sound pool?!!
Monsieur RochA4 is really spoiling us.
hi all…
i am a bit confused… when I load new sound packs into the A4 do they land in the pool, so there are max 128 slots?
do you have to THEN copy the 128 sounds from the pool into the + Drive?
what happens if I add 256 sounds in one go into the A4? are they overwritten?
thanks for answerr, I am seriously confused and have a hard time finding and testing the new sounds … are they in any way marked?
if you use the sysex rcv option it should help you direct where the syx files are sent - ie to your +drive where you can then choose what to prioritise back into your pool
thanks avantronica — i try that tomorrow. my neighbors just knocked on my wall … time to rest I assume… and research headphones … beyerdynamic probably …
what is sysecs rcv? cant find it in the config of the c6
it’s in the global menu of A4 - it allows you to choose where sound dumps go
i use DT770pro cans and they’re real comfy and neighbour friendly
i created this thread because for some reason i am in +drive but can plock my sounds
thanks for your answer avantronica, i just made a soft reset to get my A4 a bit cleaner and will try a little later… right now I try to figure out the structure where sounds are saved stored used taken …
thanks also for the recommendation on the headphones
what is the relationship between the main sound and the sound pool?
when i switch the main track sound to a sound from my + drive, does my sound pool change?
is it essentially 128 (sound pool) + 4 (each track sounds)
sound pool is empty until you add sounds from +drive
trig sounds can only be added from pool
there is another w e i r d relationship between kits and sounds, there are a lot of threads, but i havent got my head around it.
i dont think i could be any simpler with my answer
this is the give and take w/ these machines. they are as simple as you want them to be… or vice versa.
i haven’t added anything to my sound pool so… somehow they got in there.
so are the four sounds part of the pool? or do they exist in some limbo?
this is the give and take w/ these machines. they are as simple as you want them to be… or vice versa.
i haven’t added anything to my sound pool so… somehow they got in there.
so are the four sounds part of the pool? or do they exist in some limbo?
hey danlukas,
dont get me wrong here , but … if you have sounds in your pool (and i dont mean this sarcastcally) you have either put them there, or the electron gods put them there, either way … if you want sounds in your pool,
you add them from +drive
if you want your pool sound to be gone, you delete them from pool, but they remain in +drive
also, you can delete sounds from +drive( i assume with the sound manager)
as an addition, you can create your own sounds and save them to the +drive, BUT they M U S T (imo) be added (=saved) to the pool first, and then copied to the +drive and then deleted from pool.
I try my best here, please other users point out my logic flaws , cheers … i am not an expert, just trying to help
appreciate the help. i believe the elektron gods put them there. i didn’t. (at least intentionally/knowingly).