I read many times that you cannot plock a sound unless you load it from +drive into the pool and then assign it to a track from the pool.
i just did a soft reset and my pool is empty.
choose acid-drops from drive to track 1 and put 3 notes on step 1, 5, and 9
step 5 is now plocked with a different frequency
step 9 is plocked with freq chorus rev and delay…
according to what I read this should not be possible.
what is going on?
just did the same thing in record+play mode and it does change values the plocking works … record + play = red light blinking and music is playing I turn the knobs and things are being recorded and played back with plockes in place and working.
You can plock the sound as much as you want, as once you’ve loaded a sound to a track it’s no longer related to the sound in +Drive or pool but is copied to the kit instead.
However, you can’t sound lock a sound from the +Drive. Sound locks are when you use a sound different from the track sound on a step, and they’re assigned by holding a trigger and scrolling the level knob. This list only has the pool sounds available.
You can also real time record sound locks in by opening the sound browser (dbl tap track) and play the mini keyboard. Whichever sound from the pool you have in the browser will be inserted into the step it was played at. The other way involves using the multimap system
oooooohhhh …
click–> light ON
jeesus… looked at the wrong thing at the wrong place…
thank you Low Life![/quote]
You can? From the pool of course, and I guess you have to be in record mode so as not just previewing the sound. Good tip, thanks!
this method of sound-locking is not without its foibles, it can be a bit flaky depending on when you enable realtime record mode, sometimes if done after you are in the browser it will play/rec the track sound even though the browser is still showing, this is a longstanding bug i’ve yet to report ! - but it’s my fav technique by far, easy to get drum tracks up quickly as you can jump tracks once you get going - keeping a static pool is essential, unless you backup the pool with patterns
This is a great thread. If it’s not already in there somewhere else I suggest this should be added as a peace-sign tip under the description for “SOUND LOCKS” in the manual (~ page 37)
Of course, when using sound locks, moving or changing sounds in the sound pool will affect any patterns using those sounds. But when you say “backup”, are you referring to a computer backup? (eg via c6) Or some other data management technique?
I ask because I’m currently using only the default project, no song mode, just bouncing between unrelated patterns. I’m constantly trying to remind myself to be careful with the sound pool, but I know that day is coming when I change a sound that messes up patterns that I won’t notice for days…
Still haven’t got round to look at using sound pool. If you put a bunch of sounds in the pool can you modulate between them with LFO etc? Kinda like on OT with slices?