I was searching for this kind of problem, but couldn’t find an answear to this totallty frustrating problem I have got with OT. Please forgive me, if it is a newbie question but…
[li]suddenly I can’t play oneshot samples on sample trigs 9-16 (when I press for exapmle kick on track 1, which is trig 9 nothing happens.[/li]
[li]what’s more I can’t record oneshot trigs in live recording mode (I mean record+play operation, when record led blinks). [/li]
[li]for the worse I can’t play in chromatic mode. In this case I can see in the display, that OT is recognizing which key/trig I’m pressing, but I can’t hear anything, live recording is also not working[/li]
I would be very greatful if someone could help, cause I’m bending over backwards to figure it out.
I’m assuming you have checked your playback settings, LFOs, and effects? It is quite easy to have an effect (or playback settings/retrig) that essentially doesn’t produce any sound or stops producing sound at some point…especially if you assign it to a scene and that scene is active…on occasion I’ve wondered why I can’t hear sound coming on a thru track only to remember that I had a delay effect set on a scene (that was active and the sound had decayed to silence already)
it turned out that, as Automux mentioned, it was some kind of project specific settings and after changing project everything everything was working. uffff…
unfortunately I have trgis disabled in one of my projects and now I just need to figure it out what those settings exatclty are. If you have an idea please let me know. Anyway I will look it up in manual, maybe I have missed something.
Late to the party, but here goes: when recording with pickup machines using the QPL parameter, the new audio also automatically gets it’s QUANTIZED TRIG parameter set (this is a parameter that only appears in the audio editor; manual p47 mentions this).
My situation was that after recording a single note that way, and assigning it to a flex buffer, I could fiddle around with it easily, and play it with chromatic mode. But once I pressed PLAY, to record notes with chromatic mode, I wouldn’t hear anything.
Turns out if I held the trig pressed, eventually the new note would come up. Solution: open AED/audio editor > ATTR and set QUANTIZED TRIG to DIRECT.
In my case, since I recorded with QPL set to 16, this setting was set to 16.