Lacking of.. TODAY

In my world, music is almost always social, in the presence of other musicians, or with my students. That is my frame of reference. The music is not polished, but it is authentic.

Recordings, on the other hand…I have higher expectations for them. Not just a rehashing of aesthetically pleasing textures or a strong beat, but the development of musical ideas and organic connection among the parts.

I think we all like those things :slight_smile:

I don’t know why but this thread makes me think about this :

(Whiplash reference)


This is what it sounds like when someone strives for greatness. Stick it in your pipe and smoke it, please:

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Obviously not to you, but for others I’m sure it is.

Ha, It already did!


I post a lot of music in “What are you currently listening” thread because I am almost permanently listening to music at work, and some things I like to the point I feel like sharing in case it reaches at least another person’s heart.
I wouldn’t say it has to be gold for me to post there. I just like it. At least partially, because I only listen to albums, rarely single tracks.

There is something about context to appreciate music. Listening to an ambient track while in a hurry is like putting some ketchup on oysters. It will feel like crap, whatever your effort to appreciate it.
And listening to an electro punk banger while turning to sleep is the same nonsense.

Plus there’s the cultural aspect: before 2014 every single piece of techno was shit to me, because I had always kept the door shut to any little piece of comprehension. Then playing with my Elektron opened my mind, I now know what I like.

In the vast ocean of music produced today, you have to accept that you’re a newbie for a good part of it, even if you’ve been listening to music your whole life.
Only permanent training/research for new sounds can let your ear appreciate other kinds of music, imo.

And there are so many experimental obscure music I genuinely enjoy now! Not as much as I would enjoy Radiohead back in the days, but enough to bring me joy or other feelings, and capture my attention or surprise me in a good way. And that’s all I need, when I listen to music.
I’m not looking for any kind of perfection, only to be surprised in a good way I’d say. If I listen to an album more than 5 times, I end buying it.


Nice track but that’s not a genuine Tiffany lamp.

Nice post @LyingDalai!


There sure have been some strange threads here lately.


agree…the last era , a watershed period on many levels. there was a massive purging of creativity with new found tools by localized creatives.


This to me gets a resounding “meh” - no offense if this is yours or someone else on the forum. Its not my cup of tea at all.

And I think that’s the point. There is no objective “good”. Only the subjective.


Yeah, this gets a big meh from me too, both the music itself, and the assholish way that it was presented. Obviously you think you’re the bees knees, but this is weak sauce to me.

So, by all means, continue to make drifting ambient music that doesn’t go anywhere in your basement or whatever. But sharing it as a way to show us young whippersnappers what real music sounds like is a really lame way to promote your own shitty noodles. There’s no structure here. No real chord progression, no changes, no rhythm. But most importantly for me, I don’t hear any soul here. Usually I keep harsh opinions to myself, but you’re such a dick in this thread, I thought it best you read the raw version.

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It’s all kicking off lol


Man! What’s happening?!



It’s overwhelming with so many options. Finding a set limit and working with that to develop one natural workflow is my goal. I really enjoy modular synthesis and Elektrons a lot.

Are you in the right thread? Ok, you’re back on topic.

The tools are democratized and musicians are in theory able to launch to fame or find their niche without jumping through some of the hoops they used to, but now the main problem is massive oversaturation and the creation of new barriers like # of soundcloud followers, tik tok engagement nonsense, etc.

Definitely good that more people than ever can make music with good tools that are free or cheap. For our own enlightenment and enjoyment of music, it’s really never been better. But yeah, way way more noise as someone trying to emerge as an artist or be heard, and also way more noise for someone trying to find music.

I agree w others here that the landscape is overwhelming, hence the appeal of having one or two elektron boxes to focus on and push hard. I definitely benefit from some limits.


The banjo, jawharp and jug have been democratic for millennia.

Just as it is easier nowadays for anyone to have a go at some music technology, it is easier for aspiring developers/instrument makers to get their products and ideas out to an international market. The net result can’t be anything but saturation. But it’s pretty fucking cool.