I was wondering if any owners of the Volca Bass can comment on it’s suitability for acid-style bass lines? Can’t find any good videos or sounds.
Hoping for a cheap alternative to the TT-303. For the life of me I can’t get a good acid sound on the A4, even after watching Darenager’s video and reading previous threads on EU about it.
I don’t own a Volca Bass yet, but from the sounds that I’ve heard online, I don’t think it really has that 303-character, if that’s what you’re looking for. I’m sure it would still be nice to have it for some slightly different type of acid sounds =)
My Volca Bass should be here tomorrow, so I’ll be testing the acid-ity of it. Gut feeling is that it won’t sound anything like a 303, but should be ok for its own flavour of acid.
I’ll try to get something recorded and post a link.
Verdict so far - sequencing is better than A4 for acid, thanks to the slide method being more sensible, no accents though. The filter is not great though, much prefer the Monotribe filter, and for acidic sounds the Monotribe is better than the VolcaBass IMHO
Having said this the Volca Bass is great value and a fun synth, I have only played with it for 20 minutes, so will post more once I have explored it more.
you’re right though - this actually sounds a bit less ‘acidy’ than I’d imagine really, less so than the monotribe as you say. still looks like a fun & funky little machine though.
Volca beats sounding nice in this too.
Yeah it seems that the VCO level to the Bass’s filter is a little too high, I think the Keys has the same filter but it seems that it is not being driven so hard, resulting in a more liquid sounding resonance, on the Bass it sounds a bit stiff IMHO.
Still, it is very much a cool thing in its own right, and besides I am going to make a breakout for external filtering etc, so can get around it. For non acid type bass though it is pretty nice, can even get a little Juno-ey at times.
The Beats is brilliant, even if it only had the kick, toms and hats, the other sounds are ok , but the kick, toma and hats are superb.
Not delved into the Keys much yet, seems pretty versatile though, and again for the price bloody brilliant.
thats a nice recommendation from a man who knows his stuff re. the Beats.
that’s probably swung it for me then : I sometimes yearn for my old 606…then I look at the used prices on those now & think “sorry, but that’s just bloody stupid money” … & so for a few analogue sounds, for a hundred quid…not £400 …it looks like the Beats is a no-brainer…
Ha, yeah the Beats has gotta be a contender for space in the “techno cupboard” power per sq inch ratio is high
Re 606’s I have seen a few lately on ebay for around £300 or a little less, dare I say it but a Volca Beats and a 606 is a good combo of almost 808 fun. 606 hats, yum!
The Beats has convinced me not to replace my recently departed MD with a Tanzbar, but to get a bunch of small/mid-sized modules- MFB 503/522, possibly a 606/707 to pair up with it. Resampled tracks on the OT+carefully mixed analog sounds is preferable, for me, than simply adding in another big-box sequencer I’ll feel compelled to use excessively because of the steep price.
I’ve yet to convince myself to pull the trigger on a big boutique Analog drum machine- they all mostly sound the same and are, for the most part, clones. I foresee some more analog drum machines/samplers/synths on the horizon as other companies react to the Volca craze. Could be an interesting few years for Sub $500 analog gear.
NOTE TO KORG: please make a slightly larger Volca Samples(er) meant to sit at the heart of the other 3- larger to accommodate a multi-mode filter to process incoming audio and treat samples. A little lo-fi analog sampler/short looper/fx box is exactly what the gear world doesn’t know it’s missing! I came so close to buying an SP1200 on Craigs List I had to slap myself!
Ha, yeah the Beats has gotta be a contender for space in the “techno cupboard” power per sq inch ratio is high
absolutely! I can fit one in! & I think probs a TT303 will accompany it at some point, especially as they’ve now fixed the MIDI clock issue & the 1.33V/oct silliness with the firmware update.
As for 606s - yeah, I know things change, but I just could never justify buying one again even at £300 I don’t think - not knowing 1) what I bought mine for & 2) what I sold it for!
At least the TT303 would be about the same price as I sold my TB303 for ( oops, yes another clanger, but there you go…don’t get me started on my MC202, MS-20 & MonoPoly that I sold about 10 years ago… ) so that’s sort of psychologically justifiable somehow !
Tim at Discchord did a fine job with that video. It’s given me GAS for the TT-303 even though I hardly play acid house.
However, I don’t regret ordering the three Volcas as a bundle. The Volca Bass is really a full-range monosynth and not a bass-only synth - the “bass” part of the name being Korg’s playful poke at Roland. I look forward to doing all kinds of naughty things to all 3 Volcas with my Octatrack.