Korg Monologue



nice (if obvious) workaround for latching a note for dronesā€¦ iā€™d been using a card to hold keys down (for sustain) until now.

Hadnā€™t even thought of using it for drones but thatā€™s a good idea, the I bet tempo knob could behave like an LFO rate knob for the drone tooā€¦

I set up a simple drone patch that I was going to use for a drone comedy show a few months ago. I fā€™d up and left the stupid backpack in the house - the one with the Monologue in it!! :sob:

Anyway, there is a menu option to set the tempo slower than the tempo knob will allow (30 bpm). My drone patch has the sequencer set to 15 bpm.

I was going to my MS-20 Mini for the same job, but laziness won the day - the Monologue can easily fit into a backpack - the MS canā€™t.

Might record a drone duet between the two as time allows.


What is drone comedy show? (Cranks reverb up to 65 percent wet and the audience roars with delightful laughter)


The concept started out as a joke between a comedienne friend and another mutual friend - a standup comedian would perform a set, accompanied by a drone musician. Originally the comedian and the drone-er were supposed to ignore each other.

I played with two comedians. The first turned around a couple of times to react - the 2nd time, he said ā€œWhereā€™s the wolf coming from???ā€. The 2nd followed the original concept more closely - pretty much ignored me. :wink:


Oh man I thought it might be a typo at first because itā€™s such a strange and intriguing combo of thingsā€¦ I think this story just made my day :smile:

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Iā€™d definitely go watch this.


Huh, I wonder if Oscillator Sink (Youtube) is getting any credit for detailing these tricks months agoā€¦


Cool, the Moog Music guy showed us the filter-as-oscillator trick and the ā€œdrum machineā€ trick on the Mother-32, at the Mother 32 workshop in DC last winter.

Fun tricks to try on any analog/VA synth that has a built-in sequencer and some kind of parameter automation (ā€œmotion recordingā€ in Korg speak).

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In fairness to Oscillator Sink, hereā€™s the first video of his Korg Monologue Tricks series:

He also has a Monologueā€¦Letā€™s Build series, focused on patch creation.


Yeah, thatā€™s what I was kind of getting at - these tricks were discovered so long ago that we donā€™t know who deserves the proper credit. Best we can do is share the info and make music.

Hi! Was pretty set on a bs2 for a cheap bread butter knobby synth, but after reading reading all the thread from the start, i will save some money and looks like i will have a lot more fun with this one!! Next buy, will go well with digitakt and sample of mars drums!!

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as a previous BS2 owner, I support this pivot!

BS2 is a great synth, but the sequencer is too basic and without much memory.
Monologueā€™s seq is something special, even with less steps.

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Should be here tomorrow was looking for a second hand one, was one of the cheaper, though the most desirableā€¦ silver one as it was 2o cheaper than the other colors, should look really well along the md, which i think more and more i will keepā€¦

I noticed the black version was a few pennies over Ā£200 on Juno. Really donā€™t need another monosynth but at that price itā€™s tempting all the same.

Edit: looks like it sold outā€¦ phew.

This is a piece i recorded with Korg Monologue, Electro-Harmonix 2880 Multi-Track Looper, TC Electronic Flashback Triple Delay & Digitech Supernatural Ambient Verb.

Iā€™m planning to do more tracks with the Monologue because itā€™s a good way to get to know a new synth. The Monologue definitely has its limitations but i find the sound very inspiring.
Hope you like it!


I have one now. Way more fun than the price tag implies. Looks very nice. Planning to do some ā€œone synth onlyā€ with this one.


Yeah, itā€™s very good value for the money.

Hereā€™s another track i made with it:


Like the track, and the invader gloves.

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