Korg Electribe 2, has anyone installed the Hacktribe OS?

Someone has posted a backup file for the grey/blue electribe, which is easier to install if you don’t want to do the firmware hack yourself.



So do you just put this file onto a card and upload to electribe? Or do you have to do anything else? I’m still a bit scared

The link above if you have synth electribe is just put on SD and follow update procedure, if you have the sampler I think you have to compile it yourself as no one AFAIK has uploaded the image for that one.

Cool cheers man. Mines the grey synth one so going to give it a go

Make sure you download the latest firmware and install that first.

I did look for instructions for installing a system.vsb in the manual but couldn’t find it. Maybe instructions are in the Korg Electribe Updater

Let us know how you get on!

formated the card then added this file to the system folder and loaded into the Grey electribe… that was it… easy peasy
Worked fine! my heart was pounding ha ha … all good though
Feels really good to let go of sooo many unfinished projects too
Nice fresh start, Now to load it up with some unique samples.
I’ll probably not sleep tonight now ha ha
Thanks for the help guys. Very happy


Good deal! So it was just load the file and do a normal update through the Electribe menu as advertised? (For grey/blue synth version?)

You could have exported them all to card, then reloaded them - the sounds would be different but at least you would have had the patterns. That said I did not do this either, I just exported any patterns I liked as audio to the card.


That’s good to know!

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yeah , i just exported the best patches to ableton projects 1st
Was quite critical and only exported 8 patterns from years of work
Got it filled up with new samples now…totally new machine… love it!

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yes mate…that was it. just make sure to format card 1st…all good so far

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Anyone know if there’s a version of this OS available for the red Electribe Sampler that can just be downloaded and installed? Have had a look but not seen anything yet.

Was planning to sell my Electribe but I’m intrigued by what this OS could open up.


there’s a video a few posts up that could help

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actually all my patterns are still in the machine. just need to re-assign sounds
so if you have some good riffs in there they will still be there

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Hello would it be possible to send the patched file for red ES2??? Im totally unable to patch it myself :sweat_smile: Thank you :slight_smile:

Anyone able to send me the file for use with with the red version of the E2S sampler please?


Anyone know how to backup the old system file for the Electribe ?

new to the Electribes, and curious about the Hacktribe:

does the hacked firmware give you X amount of synth parts (of the 16 parts) and Y amount of samplers?

Or does it mean for each of the 16 parts, you can select whether it is a synth or a sample? ie in theory you could make one pattern all synths and another pattern all samples?


You can assign however you want, so the latter.

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