Korg ARP 2600 Reissue

Wow, I used to work in the security game myself many years ago. As I was leaving we were just starting installing multiplexed cctv over fibre, predating the whole ip camera thing. It was one of those games that if you stand still for too long you end up behind the curve.

I’ve come at things in the complete opposite direction to you! Electrician then service engineer then into something completely different, all the while doing my own diy electronics stuff but never touching software. I’ve been slowly teaching myself PIC programming and, as you point out my electronics background has really helped. Sometimes it does feel like two steps forward and one step back tho. I need to knuckle down with it a bit more but other interests get in the way and I get distracted from the software thing.

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I think the tini-Jack are 3.58mm so i would think they are compatible with each other.

I saw something about changing jacks also, but it was just something I saw on a forum some place.

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Totally. Interesting! One of my first projects was setting up a website with java (not script) for customers to observe 127 cameras on a MUX. It was pretty turbo.

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That explains it!

Another nostalgia story


although telling it here might get me blacklisted…as a somewhat reckless and foolish young person (in the mid 90s, me in my early 20s), a friend, who had given up on synths to play the mandolin, lent me his 2600. I had no idea what it was or really how synths worked, i was into really messy noise stuff. He just said ‘here, this might be fun for you’. I have hours of tapes and minidiscs of unlistenable nonsense. But the bit I shouldn’t tell, is I dragged that thing all over town to play in bars, warehouses, house parties. I cringe to think at the damage I caused it. I dropped a bass guitar on it. God knows how much beer and cigarette ash got in it.
In the end he sold it and I didn’t have the money to buy it. Life Regrets.


You’re fired.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer me !

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I’ve owned a grey-faced G-clef one for a decade, and a Tonus one before that. I’ve always just used the 3.5mm jacks I used with euro :man_shrugging:

as I’ve seen mentioned, I would agree that it would be fantastic if the gate level were lower. or there were a converter. better to interface with euro without tying up your voltage processor. I’m guessing/hoping they’ve thought of this…

also… I’ve seen mention of a sequencer (that apparently isn’t 1601-like) but not a keyboard…

also also… for those upset about the price… I’m sure it’ll come down on the used market over the next year or two. Karp Odyssey’s have, and I’m guessing the Barp 2600 will encourage that.

Available to preorder in around 24 hours
Has some new features not on the origional

Look for a raft of third party videos at announcement time. Nick Batt did one, he specifically didn’t say he did (toward end on Sonic Talk 603). So i wouldn’t be surprised to see all the usual suspects, Loopop et al,

Oh yeah, I think you’re on the money here. I watched the Anderton’s videos on Wavestate and The SV-2 and ole Jack was talking about “Two videos in one day! And we’ve got a third!!” while cracking up. It seems inevitable now. I actually can’t wait to see Anderton’s Jack and Luke from Korg demoing the 2600.


You’re right cold_fashioned! I hadn’t thought of it but Korg no doubt has been making the rounds with all three synths. Must be a fun, but an exhausting day, when the Korg rep knocks on you door. A lot of travel for the rep though, especially with a beast like the 2600. The SV-2 isn’t small either.


full size 1:1 replica (no mini keys or smaller case)
mk1 grey color only
XLR outs
after touch keyboard
both filter revisions accessible with a switch (similar to KARP Odyssey)
1/8" / 3.5mm patchbay


Hot damn, it’s more money than I’ve even spent on a synth before but I think I can afford it if I save my pennies for a few months. I guess you’re getting my money Korg, this is beautiful and I wasn’t even expecting it to come with the keyboard! I love the XLR outs and I’m really happy it comes with USB MIDI just like their Odyssey. Curious to see the official US price.


FIRST OFF – This is wonderful.

Not that i mind – but i think, after finishing the video that Ty Unwin was either wrong or was talking about something else when he said it has a sequencer. It does have sequenced playing with the arpeggiator (in the keyboard), maybe that’s what he meant.

Again not that that matters to me. This is entirely doable externally with CV.

It’s not mentioned yet but i assume it’s takes the CV you’d get out of a Eurorack sequencer – or in my case the Hydrasynth for intstance.

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Wow that is gorgeous. I think I would love it simply for making YouTube videos. The sound would be a bonus. It’s like a work of art. Like something out of a Star Wars film (the original trilogy).

Funny you mention that, as I believe the ARP2600 is responsible for all of R2D2’s sounds (voice).


That’s interesting. Yeah I get a Death Star control room vibe from its looks.

It comes with the lid AND the flight case. Nice bonus for a flagship synth. I guess that helps justify the hefty price tag, at least. Also, I feel like GAK jumped the gun here. I wonder if that’ll get them in trouble. The cat is out of the bag now.

Edit: Also – yeesh, that price! It’s a nice synth, but that’s a lotta scratch for the average enthusiast. With 2 kids, I can’t justify spending that on myself. I’d have to sell it all and just have the ARP2600. Not that that would be a bad way to go…


It does extremely good