Knobcon 2022

It’s only fitting that a book about Roland would be overpriced.


I spent a good 20 minutes trying to patch this behemoth. It was fun in an adventure sort of way, but I think I’ll be sticking with my Behringer Neutron. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Did anyone get up close with the Entropy & Sons — Positronic Recursion Studio or get to talk to any of their representatives ?

It looks like one of the big things at the show. I am wondering in particular about it’s range, how many different things can it do ?

They were at NAMM too. ( post )

At least it’s not digital

The second most exciting piece of news from the Future Retro guys (besides them not being closed) is that they are planning on re-releasing the 777 with new filter types and an upgraded sequencer!!!

Also the OBXA blew me away. And I couldn’t believe how much I liked the Take 5. I’ve veneer really connected with DSI workflows but this instrument was the business!!!


Apparently firmware updates imminent for the DT/DN/ST, and I think a major update for the ST.


say what?!

Did you speak to someone at the booth that gave you this detail?


That seems odd. The Analogs need an update before all of those, especially AR. Not that I have any Elektrons or particularly care right now.


If Syntakt gets song mode before Rytm gets a second LFO, I’m selling my house and buying an OP-1 Field.

(Note: I don’t own a house.)


being that the digitakt is technically the star of the show, it should get updated first, in every round of updates…

I like the sound of this :loud_sound::blush::loud_sound:

Music to your ears or stereo samples incoming? :thinking:

The information came from the guy at the Elektron booth. The confirmed information was the firmware updates for all three boxes and that the ST update is major. Beyond that there were vague hints about the ST update and I’m guessing it’s going to make some of you very happy.


wooooow, :partying_face:

Just like the last time someone said it would make some people very happy? :wink:


Especially given that this one already exists

Oh, hang on, I think the new one is smaller, has less pages and uses ABC technology :laughing:

Actually 16 more pages, but joke.


The boutique version then. :wink:

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Just discovered that Therevox has a new product, their Eurorack embodiment of the original Ondes Martenot oscillator, made modern. The Ondes VCO. I think this is a great idea.

It comes in your choice of four neutral colors.

ADDED : I’ve put a demonstration video that includes the Ondes VCO, over in this thread. The talking description starts at 6:07 of the video, and there is a simple sound introduction starting at 9:24. Note these oscillator circuits are different to the circuitry in the ET-5.


:scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: :scream: