Knob Twiddlers Hangout

This is good one. I listened to the podcast version last week.
A lot of chat about how the Cirklon was developed. Really interesting stuff.

halfway through so far… it’s quite interesting that Paul Nagle employs THREE 1010 Blackboxes and a Zoom recorder to record his own music. sounds like partially because he has a lot of gear and needs various ones for wings of his studio, and partially for the commit and move on aspect.


Yeah, Paul Nagle was interesting to listen to. It seems like he had a lot of input into the development of the Cirklon.
I’m half way through the newest one just now. I didn’t really know any of the guests previously but lots of good chat about distortion, feedback loops, drums and AI so far. Worth a listen!

Really interesting stuff.
There is something about Colin’s voice that I find incredibly soothing.
I think Paul thinks so too as I’m sure he kept nodding off at times. He did say his wife was away and he had been “letting his hair down and relaxing” so he’s probably been spazzed of his baps on Afghan Spangles.

very interesting and true what Tim Exile is saying around minute 20

Anybody know when these start up again? Been nothing for a few weeks now.

Don’t know. They mentioned they were doing a break in the last episode, but not for how long if I remember correct. I kinda love how small/diy their show is organized, in that it lacks almost all official structural communication. Best bet to find out is the discord they run.

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Je weet toch.