Kittens & Synths

All good tips, thanks guys. I do have cases so will put things away I think.


By the way, kittens/cats are awesome! Congrats!


It is a real concern. Not only do they do it because they like to chew on shit, but I think also to feel the jolt of electricity. One time I had a cat who somehow bit deeper into the cord than they must have intended and it took me like 5 seconds to realize what was happening because it’s face started twitching in a weird way, I then had to separate the cat from the cord because it’s jaw locked onto it from the shock it was getting. I was scared as shit because I’m super duper cat person and after that I was always really careful with things like extension cords that were too ratty to keep using with cats around. I recommend not to take cats chewing cords lightly.



Something that I never tried but I am curious of how well it would work, is to use scents around sensitive areas to prevent shit like that. Like what if a few drops of scented essential oils like lavender or mint around cables and stuff would make cats dash out and think of better things to do with their time.

cats are weird, they all have their own personalities. I had a cat that liked the smell of my stank feet. always trying to put it’s face in my shoe or rub on a pair of socks in the middle of the floor, also there’s that stuff called “fel-a-way” which is supposed to have an aroma that calms cats for when you put them in the carrier to go on a car ride or whatever, and it just doesn’t work on all cats. I’m pretty resigned to the belief that if it hasn’t been proven to work with that specific cat, you can’t necessarily rely on it to work. You might end up with a bunch of lavender stank cords and a cat that doesn’t mind. Not all cats chew on cords, but enough do that I’d be cautious either way, also you have to make sure what you’re using as a deterrent isn’t toxic for animals. Sometimes weird stuff is toxic to them which humans have no problem with.

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I had a cat that would partially crush beetles, and rub herself on them for extended periods of time. Sometimes she would take breaks and then resume her romantic session.

Anyway, back to synths and cats.


Aren’t we all!



Got some for people? :smiley:


Another cable-chewer owner here. Also just trying to get peace to work on music in her presence is a lot hahaha. Cute though at times. Photo was not staged, just has to be at the centre of everything :sweat_smile:


My experience over 40-odd years of cat and synth ownership is that soft plastic/ rubber knobs and shaped foam packaging are the most attractive synth-related things to kitty teeth - both young and old.


All cats are different. I had a cat when I was younger that loved chewing through headphone cables - which was a pain. Currently have two cats (including one we had as a kitten) that don’t give two shits about cables. My experience has been that they usually grow out of it, but if you can either keep them supervised around cables and discourage them or just keep them away then you’ll probably be fine.


I’m sure I saw a Digitakt on sale here once with chewed knobs. I think that was a puppy though


Cats - #22 by LyingDalai


It all depends on the kittens.
I just got two, took them home aged 3 months and they had no interest in power or audio cables. And Imas I work from home with multiple computers, screens and consoles, I’m not short of power cables.
But I had friends who had audio cables chewed.
Make sure they have alternatives.


i sold a digitone on here with a cat chewed volume knob lol

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Ah yes, it may have been you :joy:

MIDI cables?

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Midi is perfectly safe.