Is Too Much Stuff Jammed into Digitakt?

Strobo Terror are the darlings of the Epilepsystep scene! :sunglasses:

I borrowed one for a while but it didn’t appeal like my Digitone does. I think I’ll stick with my Electribe Sampler (which has a whole different set of limitations and annoyances).

Really solid advice, and something I’ve found myself in the past when using the Maschine MK1 - I knew it so well that I could zip around with my eyes closed, or in certain, um, enlightened frames of mind :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I prefer Epilepsytrance

I love my Digitakt, actually I mostly use it as a sample based synthesizer than a drum machine.
You can go places!

I must admit I’ve spent at least 3 days reading only the manual to understand what this machine can do, before really starting diving into it. But after that first start I manage to learn really quickly how to use the DT.


Other than lack of kit browser, my only real complaint with the Digitakt and Digitone is the overload of information you get with the lights. Compared to MK1 Elektrons, it is a different experience, enough to throw you off, for sure.
But you can get used to it after a while.

I believe the Digitone got an update that changed the track light behavior. With different colored track buttons, before that update, it was just too much and it meant that sadly, mine went underused.


Nice stuff man, really good to see people using the DT for non-best related stuff. (I wouldn’t have thought to - although it does lend itself to quasi granular stuff which works well for droney things)

Do you make any use of the conditional trigs when making your drones? I can’t see how that feature could be applied in that context - maybe I’m missing out? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also, what are you feeding your DT through there? Looks like a lot of pedals!

Hi! The DT can be be a great synth to!
when I do this drone/synthy things I don’t use conditional trigs because I play it “live”, using it in chromatic mode, so the sequencer is not involved.
That my guitar pedalboard I’m going thru, so I have some distortion pedals, delays, reverbs and a looper at the end of the chain.

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Ah, cool - are you mostly using single cycle waveforms for that, or a mixture of sources?

Second option: a mix of sources. Actually I don’t use so many single waves, most samples are from my noise/drone synths, and sounds from various soundpacks, etc…

Absolutely hit the nail on the head, man. That’s exactly how I feel about it :smiley:


cool drones bro :sunglasses:

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I really wish for a bandpass filter as well!

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Is it too much? Nah, it’s just right. For something that’s just billed as a drum machine sampler, it can do insane amounts of things. I never struggled with it at all, despite it being my first Elektron device. A lot of the skills I gleaned off an Electribe ES-1 carried over reasonably well.

Would I want more? Sure, but not too much. More fx? Well, I’ve got pedals and even an ES-1 for that. Real polyphony? Absolutely, but even then I already ended up going for an EPS 16+ and a V-Synth to cover those sampler-synth duties.