Is Too Much Stuff Jammed into Digitakt?

(About getting an OT): I have struggled with many modules and instruments, I find that walking away for a few days, weeks sometime is the Best solution. Being in the correct frame of mind is the most important factor to avoid frustration and grief with any learning project.

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Retrig is what some refer to a racheting or Note repeat.

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Can you arp a single note like on the Monomachine? Maybe a work around to achieve retrig like effect on the digitone.

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The answer is always get a Octatrack :kissing_heart::raised_back_of_hand:

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I think the work around would be to turn the arp on and limit it by its duration.

Perhaps by p-locking the amp parameters and amp reset(I assume you can use this for velocity in/excrements) you can get close

Well now that you said the lights are fine, they must be.


Nice! They really are simple to understand, especially with a little manual-reading and time spent with the machine. I keep a few lights on and I don’t jam in the dark, so the lights have never seemed bright at all really. I guess they would be if you’re using it in the darkness, but so is my phone, and the TV, and any other type of single light source in a very dark room.


Haha, yeah. The purple lights confuse me too. I never know what they are, or how the hell I turned them on!

I did read up on it at some stage, but promptly forgot.

I, too, think if anything it does far too little.

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Hold func press the mute button twice. Purple mutes are pattern mutes.


no arp on the digitakt…

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This thread is more confusing than the Digitakt. :wink:


Here’s some new features/updates that make Rytm and Analog Four like Digitakt. 10-22-19
OK, now I want Rytm MK2.

Youtube by Bo Beats:

I agree about the lights and with lots of other posters here - the Digitakt desperately needs a setting to turn down the LED brightness. They’re way too bright, especially at night, but even in daytime conditons too. The bright white stop button, in particular, is of a retina burning level! Even sunglasses don’t make a dent in it!

This is a serious subject as there are a bunch of studies about LEDs/white light and the supression of melatonin production (amoung other very serious health concerns). I know I do find it very hard to sleep after staring at the Digitakt lights for hours and I’ve read and heard others say the same.

Please @Elektron @Ess, a simple LED brightness setting really is needed.

In terms of the blinking/flashing, I guess there could also, ideally, be options to reduce this as well (some of us don’t feel the need to see it all happening) or even
options to fade in/out the lights, rather than the hard on/off. Anything to make it easier on the eye.

I do know there have been a lot of threads and posts about this and it seems a really important thing to address.


If it’s really that bad for you, and your Digitakt use is causing your sleep & health to suffer, just cut out some little squares of a masking tape that leaves no residue and place them over the buttons in the meantime. You can even write 1,2,3, play, stop, etc on the tape if you like! This will take you 10 minutes at maximum, which should be very worth it for you relative to the number of hours that you are spending lying in bed awake after using the DT. Until Elektron issues a FW with dimming, that should take care of your problem. Personally, I’m not sure how I would use the DT properly without the trig and mute flashes, but that’s just me.

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Even in a room with plenty of natural light and additional lamps, it is still bright (for some of us).

“any other type of single light source in a very dark room.”

All my other musical instruments, synths, and various Electronic devices do not have this issue.

The devices you reference have controls that allow you to adjust for being in a dark area,
which is what we are saying would be a nice feature on the DT.

Would it be a negative to you if the DT had this option? Can’t SEE how it would be… LOL

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Haha yeah I mean of course it would be good to have the option, no downside obviously. In the meantime though, bust out that roll of tape everyone!

wow, looks like I really started something as the originator of this thread…

My main question was, ‘is there too much jammed into the DT?’ The indicator lights brightness and number of different color trigs flashing simultaneously is just one offshoot discussion of the overall Digitakt. Its an awesome unit overall. For my own preference, and opinion, I believe the Digitakt needs to be a bigger unit to fit all the buttons and knobs. That said, I just sold my DT today, now I can concentrate on learning the A4 and Machinedrum first. I can always get another DT, and other Elektrons someday when I’m ready, or see a need to connect all this (amazing) junk together.

Whats a cheaper alternative, editable, direct-record-into Sampler to the Digitakt, besides Model:Samples to consider looking into? Korg, Roland, etc?

You can’t record direct in to the model:samples. I mean, you already had one of the coolest direct-record samplers on the market, not polyphonic obviously for playing keys so not the same kind of sampler as a vintage keyboard sampler, but you know what I’m saying. If you’re researching another sampler like it, why did you sell the DT? You could try a vintage sampler like the Roland S-10 or a rack unit like one of the Akai units maybe? Or maybe try Ableton or the daw of your choice for sampling? The DT is definitely a very certain type of sampler, I would personally LOVE to own something like a Korg DSS-1 with the sampling AND the filters AND the polyphony.

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