Is there a Factory Reset in Octatrack MK-2?

I am reading the manual, but in PT 13 Audio editor , I cant find how to actually cut and save a sample chunk I am working with in the Audio edit window. I hit Func + Yes to play it, but dont know where to actually capture that part of the sample only. Where is the command to actually create that sample as a file I can save to a track… is it - TRIM, SLICE, EDIT, or WHAT? Its a Static sample I am editing, Driving me nuts.

The slicing process of the Octatrack is nondestructive, it saves The entire sample as well as creates an internal file determining where the slices of the sample are(and other metadata)

Yes, I took a 2 minute audio track I did on my eurorack, saved it to the Flash on the audio folder, and loaded that as a sample, the put it on 7 tracks in the OT as static machines, but starting the file at different points I was able to figure how to truncate them.

So then its probably better to pre-edit samples on the computer before loading onto the Flash etc.
Also, I dont get what the Loop function does for the sample.

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Page 2 of the playback menu has a loop parameter

Read the manual


been. what good is this forum if myself and others do keep reading the manual in earnest, and still have some legit questions, and people tell myself and others to read the manual…Why even have the forum?

where is page 2 of the playback menu? I don’t see it.

Playback is the left most immediate access page for Octatrack parameters.

When you push the button the first time, you get to page one. When you push the button a second time, you get to page two.

This and so much more is in the manual :wink:

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I hear you. Especially for the OT, the manual starts making sense when you have become reasonably proficient with the device. Much more so than any other piece of gear I ever used ; and I’m as deep into photography as I am into music and pro-audio, believe me, I’ve spent my whole life reading manuals. Once you know the OT quite well, the manual appears to be brillianty informative, but for relatelively newcomers it looks like a convoluted hell, and to start with the OT the forum help is indispensable (don’t forget the search function though).


Totally understand. I dont mind reading the manual, and I’m moving along pretty well. Sometimes I get stuck, so it helps to reach out and ask a ‘friend’, the forum.

“I dont mind reading the manual,…”
Thank you for pointing this out.
Good luck & all!

Really impressed with Octatrack so far. Like 4X Buchla Easels in a box for 1/4 the cost.

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To answer your question, the way to extract a section of audio from a sample and save it:
Go to AED for the sample, press LFO button to get to EDIT tab, use encoders A and C to select portion that you want to extract, press YES, arrow down to ”save selection as sample” , press yes, name, yes, done.

You might want to normalise before saving, or add a fade etc, these can all be found in the edit list.

Also, definitely recommend getting a printed manual, download the pdf and you can send it to an online print shop, should cost about 20-25, money well spent IMHO.

Edit: I notice you said a static sample, the above only applies to flex, so in this case either load the file into a flex slot, or if you don’t have enough memory then resample from the static into one of the track recorders.


thanks, Dare. The sample I want to edit is already on a Track #2 for example, so Track 2 needs to be highlighted ‘Red’. There is no option to ‘save selection as sample’ that I can see, (I have a MK2… is that why?)…
Scroll options are: Select all, calc BPM from Sel, Change preview Mode, Change view.

EDIT: OK, my bad…must be ‘Flex’ machine for that scroll Edit menu to appear. Yes, I did what you said, that was the problem. Thanks.

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No problemo :wink: Glad you got it sorted, for future reference remember that track recorders are not necessarily tied to tracks, so you can use a spare track recorder to capture the section of a static also, either using recorder trigs or manually using quick record.

This capture could then be saved and loaded onto the track where the static was, as a flex machine or a static. Flex offers a bit more flexibility :joy: though wrt to mangling.


awesome, the ice is slowly melting, but a long way to go…

Was able to load a sample I had on a Static track onto a Flex, edited it and that stuff. Not sure about how to save all the current, pertinent edited ‘keeper’ samples, etc to a Project for recall . I see I still have samples that exist both on Static and Flex, even after I have moved the Static to Flex tracks… I only want the Flex tracks to play, (not Static tracks) on those 2 tracks I dubbed them to so far.

I am formatting a new extra 32 GB Sandisk Extreme Compact Flash card in the Octatrack MK 2 using Format command, named it, hit Yes, it says ‘formatting…’ for about 20 minutes now… is that Right? is something wrong? Don’t want to screw something up. I removed it anyway. So how can I check if it formatted correctly? thanks