Is the Elektron Model : Samples bad gear?

AudioPilz makes his best guess:


No, not really bad gear at all.

That thumbnail though…


M:S kinda gets picked on here, but I wouldn’t have found Elektronauts if it didn’t exist. So thanks, M:S!


Obviously Pilz exaggerates based on online hype/anti-hype, it’s SOLID for the price.

I use mine less since getting a Digitakt, but no matter how much I prefer simplification and a clean desk I can’t convince myself to sell it in the case that I ever need to perform minimally with kit that can get beer on it, rained on or nicked by someone at the venue.


Anytime anyone trashes the Models to you, you can always rebut with this:

or this


Nope. It’s not. It’s miles better than a lot of gear that’s 2x the price


It’s simple…cheap and complete for this kind of groovebox!You can eat above the Model sample, it is waterproof!!! Good, and modern quality… with a damp sponge, chocolate stains are easily removed!!!Handy sampler with handy battery!

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man what I would have done for a m:s in the 90s. I used to lug my pc & akai s3000 to gigs. and my tunes would probably has sounded better with the model tbh :laughing:


There are not many instruments for 300 bucks that can do as much as the Model:Samples. One of the greatest music devices ever made imo.


The Bad Gear formula:

  1. Here’s what people hate about this gear
  2. They’re not wrong, and yet…
  3. Here are some things this gear does surprisingly well
  4. Demo to explore the above
  5. Now see how it can shine in the right setup
  6. Time to use it in a track!
  7. Balanced verdict on this gear’s strengths and weaknesses

That’s not a dig. The formula totally works and it’s why I love the channel! :hearts:


Yep. Provocation, witty humor and reverse psychology, it’s a good combination.


Yep. Same. I would have never thought to pick up a Digitakt if I didn’t like the Model: Samples as much as I did.


”The Models” was the first actual track I heard with Samples and Cycles. And if this had come on at one of the techno clubs I used to go to around 1997 I would have danced my ass off! It’s really good. Reminds me of old Primate stuff, or Steve Bicknell.


You forgot dank memes and amazing editing skills!


No it’s perfectly fine. Just ignore the click bait vids :+1:

Poorly chosen channel name. Promising something bad is not that different to clickbait-y “terrifying” “you’ll never believe” or a thumbnail with mouth open in shock

Audiopilz is ironic about it…the Bad Gear series is a classic and not click baity at all. He‘s featured classic gear on this series, the gear he showcases there is hardly ever bad gear and he tends to really show you how something is good and useful beyond the forum judgements and write-offs.


I’m not arguing arguing with that … but the name suggests it should be categorised as clickbait. C’mon, the evidence is in this thread. You own an “X” … youtube video pops up called “Bad Gear” featuring your “X” and your reaction is: “What ??? X is good, what is this a-hole saying, I must find out, so I can contradict him”

Definition of clickbait.

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Not to get off topic here, but even though I understand where you’re coming from, it really isn‘t in this case. It‘s a well known and established show/channel on youtube, he‘s not baiting us, he‘s playing & delivering a particular format. I understand why it might appear like clickbait if it pops up on your feed for the first time, but in this case the guy is just delivering his tongue-in-cheek branding/format, he‘s not baiting us.

I am just as tired and annoyed by clickbait as many of us, I hate those exact thumbnails (SNAKEOIL?!!! …uggghhhh) you mentioned and it really bothers me to see even reputable sources turn to these tabloid clickbait techniques…but that‘s why I‘m standing up for this dude, he‘s not one of them, just a guy with a great format and a great sense of humour.


I agree with you but that’s stretching it… perhaps “occasionally eliciting a faint smile whilst being generally engaging” would be better but less snappy…