Is the Elektron Model : Samples bad gear?

It’s bad if you don’t want to spend more money on a digitakt later.

The “woosh” sound when Florian drops a video on Fridays is deafening


Suggest to you, to refocus your sensitivity, and to imagine in the first degree, that you have your move of niche, to carry out… (your projects) to prepare… either, from musical farts to store, in boxes… To do this, the choice of your boxes, with the ideal size to navigate, and the equivalent of the sampler. I suggest it like that, a handy weapon, who sample reasonably…
Nice fishing because good choice
Cheers dude

“Better” is entirely subjective though and there are already so many channels that go for this kind of Ned Flanders -level vanilla harmlessness like Bobeats, for those who like that instead of something snappy.

Florians humor is a quite specific flavor that imo requires this kind of deadpan delivery.
I think that deliberate smiling just to let us know he is only joking would ruin it for me completely. Just my two cents. :slight_smile:


Those arch little glances he can drop quite subtly are gems when they appear.

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I think the name of the channel “Bad Gear” is already a clickbait. As myself in the beginning some people see the title of the video and think, what? How can he say that X is bad gear?
And then he just shows how good this piece of gear really is. So the title is misleading if you don’t know the style of his channel.

But i find it totally ok to use clickbaity stuff if you want to reach a bigger audience. And especially if humor is a big part of your content, clickbaity methods aren’t things that feel out of place or cheap to me.


I love Bad Gear. It might be my favorite show on YouTube. I own several pieces he’s featured on the show and never get upset with the idea of someone thinking it’s bad – in fact I get excited knowing he’s going to (fake) mock something I love… For example, I can’t wait for an Octatrack episode, because I love that thing.

And he actually does a breakdown of really useful info about the instrument he’s featuring. I think he does a good job of pointing out pros and cons, often highlighting that things people complain about might not even be cons to me personally.

I think the clickbait elements of the show are like a meta joke. It seems like he’s somewhat mocking the whole clickbait YouTube ecosystem as well, acting like an exaggerated clickbaity YouTuber.


I don’t watch him ever. I blocked him ages ago. I have no patience for clickbait on YT. The channel is purposefully inflammatory for the specific reason of getting you to click on it. Anybody trying to say it is not clickbait is deluding themselves. Sure maybe it has some content of substance or humor but it is also clickbait.

I have a very low BS tolerance on YT. If I see any thumbnails with inflammatory titles or an “Oh face” looking like they are about to deep-throat a :eggplant:Channel Blocked instantly


Nothing left to watch then, innit? :joy:


I think this world needs personality and daring humor more than ever and I applaud anyone contributing to that.


It seems I’m deluding myself then.

It’s probably my favorite YouTube music channel.

The whole purpose of the show is to show how ridiculous the sniffy internet forum folks who say “Device X is junk because it lacks feature Y” are.

He shows you can make awesome music with nearly anything if you work on your skills which I find pretty inspiring.


New AudioPilz drop, new Elektronauts thread at least partly irony-free. Maybe this deserves its own category.


I am a super big not-fan of Youtube tropes, the thumbnailface, the call-and-response of saying a word then playing back a snippet of popular culture while the audience claps along like trained seals.

I am a big fan of German wit, so dry and matter of fact subversion of tropes just works, even if it may not on paper.

Some channels are internet-native enough to wield tropes organically, at least in comedic context and sly self-deprecating manner (“we are all deep dorks, now back to the topic…”) over spamming the same one-dimensional references.

Like with most good comedy, it’s in the timing and space.

I also like other meta-jokers Ala RedLetterMedia, Contrapoints, HBomberguy.


I know it’s subjective… I mean, I guess the humour in my comment wasn’t as obvious as I thought. But to your most recent comment in the thread, I don’t find his humour particularly daring. He could definitely be much more barbed than he is and that would amuse me more. But don’t get me wrong, I do think his channel is entertaining and I watch it pretty regularly - I was just being a little mischievous with my comments.

If there was one thing I might say that bemuses me about his channel is that for all of his grandiose and convoluted genre names he concocts for his jams he never really strays too far from the same formula in each.

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The bedwetters crying “clickbait!” ought to be proud. Their hawk-sharp powers of deduction have cracked this troubling case wide open. Thank god we can now all get on with the serious business of watching youtube.

Back to reality, he’s one of the few synthy types on youtube who tries to be funny and actually succeeds. The name of his channel is perfect. If you enjoy fun.


Okay, thanks for clarifying that! English isn’t my first language and oftentimes I miss someones points and jokes because the non-verbal cues are missing online. :slight_smile:

At this point by daring humor I mean any kind of approach that includes taking risks of being misunderstood while trying to be funny, as long as it’s not ad hominem, hateful, racist or crap like that.


I think that’s the best of it! going past the “wisdom of the crowd” and just creating with average or mediocre gear, or the “if I just buy this instead of using what I have to the best of my ability”

Being mean is easy, the jokes are written for you. Acknowledging the criticism and giving shitty UI, arcane parameters, “outdated” Virtual Analogs and patches tuned to the cliches of the year. I relate to loving the sound of instruments but having the difficulty of using make me move on.

I think the tongue-in-cheekness of the channel is a little inspirational to not make me feel too bad about not gelling with some instruments (he finds the occasional difficult or inferior design) but in general it’s a good reminder that I can always do more and push past arbitrary limits. Thinking of “the best” as an objective standard of instrument over use… that’s unnecessarily limiting.

The humor makes the “medicine” easier.

The opener certainly!

The examples don’t seem repetitive and the final jams usually are structured with different instruments and maybe he has some simplified decision trees to get there, but they all star the instrument with tomatoes thrown at it, in the best possible light.


Oh dear, I didn’t mean for this to end up getting into a treatise on what makes good and bad comedy… and I certainly didn’t intend to suggest that he should be more hurtful or derogatory in his humour. Rather that it is light hearted and easy going humour like you would get on mainstream entertainment programmes on TV and that’s not bad - and his case it’s necessary. If he pushed to far into challenging humour whether that’s something really acerbic, or some absurdist fantasy, or extended allegories with multiple call backs then he’d be much funnier. It doesn’t have to be any of those examples but the point being that he would be straying too far from the point of his channel.

And so, for hopefully the avoidance of doubt, I do think what he does is good and enjoyable and can on occasion raise a wry smile but I’m not going there for an extravaganza of belly laughs.

Oh, and one more thing (in the Columbo style) I really and truly appreciate what he does for promoting the lesser known instruments, the unfashionable instruments, and that you don’t need to have the coolest most highly regarded things to make good music.


I mean you can certainly push anything further in format.

Like something in-between TheCrafsMan SteadyCraftin and Jexus demos, a little more surreal?

Anyway, of course humor is subjective, I was providing one non-canonical take and not trying to over-sell over framing why I agree but make these few exceptions in spite of trope.

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The name of the channel is AudioPilz, though… And if you’d watch the video (or any of the Bad Gear series), you’ll see he does everything within his musical capabilities to disprove the “common internet opinion” that a piece of gear is actually bad.


I watched some of his videos.

Funny that all Bad Gear threads lead to endless discussions about how good or bad his videos are. :slight_smile: