iPad Music Apps?

Bass. How low can you go?


Ooooooooooo freaking juicy! Canā€™t wait to have a dabble with Spectrum. So this guy Tom is obviously a genius. His work with Braids is noteworthy and then I found his app. It is called Spectrum and it is free! Free I tells ya! How awesome is that! Itā€™s an amalgamation of some Mutable Instruments.
Any of you guys know about this or have used it? How was it?


It a fun one. Especially considering the price.

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from the vendor this synth is: ā€œUnequivocally superior, requires no review.ā€

this is an AU, too. just grabbed it to fiddle with on iPhone for now.

it definitely wubs. weā€™ll see if it fits anywhere when I get back to the iPad.

Play some

Into your

And enjoy the freedom

Itā€™s actually really good for sub.
I enjoy plugging in different words and seeing what happens.

korg gadget is on sale, but what synths do I get if I pay for the full price?. I know thereā€™s add ons but not sure how many are missing

I just bought thisā€¦it comes with something like twenty gadgets. Bilbao, Abu Dhabi, Kamata, Gladstone, Madrid, Vancouver, Lisbon, Stockholm, Ebina, Otorii are all in-app purchases, plus you get the gadget versions of the other Korg apps if you already own them.

Iā€™m curious which of the add-ons Elektronauts regard as the bestā€¦

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Having a go with Loopy Pro+Deluge+OP-1f:

Be sure to check the Video Description for the link to the project file if you like the sound of the samples.

Another little groove collection: https://youtu.be/jp6HLiOZnv8


Canā€™t believe I waited so long to get Scaler 2. Itā€™s excellent. I love being able to save sequences of chords and itā€™s something I can work on when I just have my iPad, away from my studio. Also very easy to setup in AUM and trial different synths with.


I stumbled across blindfold EQ the other day.
I think it does the job. the whole deal is ā€œyou have to use your earsā€.
I can actually hear it, and might actually prefer it to the other freebie Iā€™ve been using, LRC7 (or LRC5).
I dropped it on every track on something I was doing in AUM and felt like it was very easy to get each sound to a spot where it had room.

Glad youā€™re liking it, mind if I use this as a promo quote some day? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Any chance youā€™d consider adding u-heā€™s CVilization to modes?

Otherwise, thanks for whatā€™s already included. Itā€™s a great reference for Morphagene (the original reason I added Modes), and for more recent additions to my rack, with Tempi, Mother 32, MI stuff and Hemispheres.

Definitely nice having it all in one location.

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Iā€™ll add it to the request list. I intend on doing an update in the fall for modes

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No worries, itā€™s serving its purpose already even if that never gets added, as Iā€™m guessing thereā€™s likely a long user request list.

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Has anyone used their iPad to create full tracks or beats? The apps have certainly caught up to the point where one could make quality stuff with the right tools in the right hands.
I just ordered an iPad Pro 12in, not necessarily as an instrument Iā€™m also going to draw and stuff with it. But I do have a bunch of music apps, Drambo in particular is amazing as is MiRack and Koala sample. I also have a bunch of synths from Arturia, Waldorf, Korg, Moog and others and a decent amount of third party effects I have it all on my old iPad but I didnā€™t use it as much as I wanted to because the storage was always full (its was a 4th gen 32gb) and it was also shared with my wife and daughter so this new one is going to be mine and itā€™s 256gb which will be more than enough, Iā€™m stoked to be able to put my entire sample library on it. I have a library of custom samples Iā€™ve made over the last 15+ years that I use in the OT and Ableton in pretty much anything I work on so it will be nice to have it all on the iPad. Iā€™m going to grab the FabFilter bundle as well so I can add ProQ and their compressor and I think that will make for a not to shabby work flow all together. I am curious to know if anyone is out there making full tracks or doing any of the heavy lifting with theirs. Obviously I still have my laptop and all of my hardware but I love making beats and coming up with ideas in bed or wherever outside of the studio with minimal gear, ideally Iā€™d have something like Maschine+ or Ableton Push 3 but I think the iPad Pro will be a fun and (hopefully) inspiring experience.

I do all the time with Drambo, especially using the clip based parameter locks, you can really maximize just one pattern. Itā€™s literally like having an Octatrack and Ableton in one app. And since you can load an instance of Drambo in Drambo, you arenā€™t really limited by the 8 tracks. Iā€™ve never actually used all 8 tracks anyway


You can just add more tracks if you need them. I like to keep it to 8 though, with one drambo-in-drambo for drums.

@Matthewsavant Drambo is my primary music spot now. I use it to host Koala (for all sample duties) and Loopy Pro (for capturing audio loops, either from Koala, or from a Digitone).

This week Iā€™ve been trying to work out the best way for me to finish songs. I prefer Logic Pro on the iPad which, for my uses, if far superior to the Mac version.

You can totally finish a song in Drambo, but working with audio loops is tricky plus I just prefer everything to be on audio tracks for arrangement purposes.



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Iā€™ve made full tracks

Using just cubasis
Drambo combined with Aum
Zenbeats on its own
Loopy pro with a load of other apps

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