iPad Music Apps?

Don’t know about it being the most powerful, but IMO definitely one of the best sounding non-modular iOS synths - Zeeon


Yeah one of my favourites for analog synth type sounds - great UI and sound, very immediate and fun


+1 to Zeeon! Really nice sound. I also liked DRC quite a bit, simpler in terms of modulation but still nice. I hace Synthmaster 1 and although it sounds really nice (think Virus sounds, iirc from my brief experience) the GUI threw me off a bit, so I didn’t use much

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Maybe it’s not the right thread but what would be the cheapest/easiest way to get 2 separated stereos to the iPad via USB? Say, A4 MK1 and monomachine or A4 MK1 and DFAM.

I want it to be portable meaning without PSU would be ideal.

Any idea ? Thanks !

Audiokit LE05 Digitalism is currently free!

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Thanks @k4nsk3. I saw this one before, I’ll check it again :slight_smile:

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Holy $#*t @k4nsk3 thank you so much for that reminder!!
I just got an M1 Ipad and started looking into small portable audio interfaces for it…. not even considering or really even remembering the little blender collecting dust in my closet ( used it for a few pre-pandemic hardware shows, got a BlueBox, never looked back…. ‘till now :sunglasses: ).
You have incredibly convenient post timing, saved me at least 100$ that I’ve already spent :pray::pray::pray:.


I got excited (thanks too @k4nsk3) but it looks as though it’s just a stereo summed output yeah?
But the picture you posted suggests you can choose any channel meaning it is effectively multitrack, what’s the score there champ?
I was hoping it was multichannel :man_facepalming:, oh well, looks great for what it does though…

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My findings for now…
Using blender to multitrack record external gear in aum is pretty straightforward so far… I hooked up blackbox /micromonsta2/liven8bit for some quick testing (you can see the resulted aum recordings from one pass in the pic below… they all sound nice and clean, this part of blender/aum is a win).

You are correct, the out is limited to 1x stereo (or 2x mono)… and beyond that, I can’t squeeze even a single second out through blender without audio dropping and glitching and just being general trash, I’m gonna look into any updates on the blender as mine is surely whatever fw it shipped with, and the blender is definitely the culprit here.

for now my experience is a mixed bag… this thing is essentially worth it’s cost just by allowing me to get that much external audio into iPad… but about half of its declared usb functionality isn’t functional for me at the moment also, so, idk.

I’ll certainly report back with whatever develops from this.

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It’s only a 12 in 2 out interface though isn’t it? What declared functionality isn’t working for you?

Man I’d be happy if it was at least 4 out over usb, and I think that’s why I haven’t yet got around to even trying it with my ipad yet. I primarily use it as a little hardware mixer with all the headphone outs as separate sends.

The 2 out part… like I said, I can’t seem to get audio out to work as intended at all, unless they intended for it to be a garbled mess. I’m not just talking about monitoring either, it’s trashy even when it’s just being used as a glorified usbc-trs adapter…
I found an updated blender pc driver and monitor on the tc helicon site that let me play around with the ASIO buffer size, but there’s little difference between any of the settings and none ‘fix’ the ‘issue’.
(So I guess for potential future buyers with specific intentions… maybe beware?)
I fell in love with the blender as a super handy hardware mixer and would still be using it for that if I didn’t get a bluebox… the thing is cheap and rugged and has extra flexible routing.
I thought it was a worthwhile purchase before I even realized it could do anything with iPads…. so in my instance, I’ll take the free extra io and be a happy camper.


Does anyone know if the blender can take modular levels or does the signal need to be attenuated?

i use the blender with aum on the ipad pro 2018 and it never glitched. audio routing in ios can be a bit confusing though.

(hardware setup)
in order to get a clean signal on the output of the blender i had to disable the inbuilt routing in the blender first. so on your output channel on the blender hardware you have to tune all input to zero, than you wont hear anything on that output.

(software setup)
when you now link all inputs to the output within aum you will hear the sound clearly. if you messed up the latency settings in aum, just reset everything (16bit, 48khz, 1024 buffer) in aum, save the session, close aum, reload the sessionand start from there. some apps steal interface audio so make sure you close all other apps before.

hope that helps :wink:


Does anyone have a recommendation for a good audio/sample editor on iPad? I have Audio Share but it’s a bit limited as an actual editor.

@neilbaldwin Take a look at ‎Auditor - Audio Editor im App Store


Yeah, Auditor is by far the best I’ve found, although I have to admit I use AudioShare an awful lot still

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Auditor also comes with a little fileplayer for AUM thats a bit better than the built in one.

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Thank you :pray:t2:

Interesting side note: I looked on YouTube for a review/tutorial so I can see what it’s about before I buy it. Found this slightly unhinged video:


I like auditor as you can set bpm and define loops, snap grids etc to bpm to get nice loops.
Other other editors just work in samples , seconds etc which needs a bit of figuring out to get sample accurate loops at whichever bpm