[iOS] Tensor - Kit & Pattern Randomizer for the Model line

Quick Update:

  • Added 14 more scales (chords)
  • Added more functions in the Pattern Advanced Options

Man, I hope you buy a MnM and MD too someday.

@mekohler is midi learn hidden away somewhere.

If not, then feature request :wink:


  • Added Melodic Pattern type
  • Improved Ping function for the M:S
  • Improved Drift function for the M:S
  • Improved Snap, Cycle, & Scanner Kits for the M:S
  • Improved Tighten function
  • Improved Note Randomization
  • Improved Pattern Fills
  • Various bug fixes & optimizations



Shut Up and take my money !

Update Out:

  • Improved Melodic Pattern
  • Various improvements

Update Out:

  • Improved Melodic Pattern
  • Improved Snap Kit for the M:S
  • Improved Randomization
  • Improved Humanization

Does anyone have a video of this in action? Iā€™m so curious what this is and looks like! Seems awesome!!


Update Out:

  • Added ability to Randomize, Morph, & Reset Velocity Mods
  • Improved Melodic & Chaos Patterns
  • Improved Velocity Humanization
  • You can now lock Tracks by Holding down the Track Select button
  • Increased the Slider lock hold time
  • Various bug fixes, UI improvements, & optimizations

Thanks for this, you got my money once the full version is out! The UI is a bit challenging to figure out at the moment and the UX is not the greatest, but Iā€™m impressed enough with the results.

Thanks for sharing the app, really into it so far. It was working great yesterday, and the update today seems to have stopped working with my model:samples. I try to send a pattern from the app, but it never ends up in the model:samples. I have the recommended settings, Iā€™ve checked my connections, and they all are working (I think?). Maybe Iā€™m doing something wrong? Either way, Iā€™d love to continue testing the app out.

What happens when you get Get Kit or Get PTN? Are you in the M:S mode of the app? Itā€™s working here, havenā€™t changed any core components. Does the M:S respond to fader changes? Make sure under MIDI, you have your input and output Ports selected.


oooph i had midi clk out set to ā€˜onā€™. turned that off and it works now. sorry about thatā€¦


Not sure why clock send would affect anything but :+1:

I only use the line outs and havenā€™t tested things using USB Audio, there may be some quirksā€¦at the end of the day I am only sending MIDI CCā€™s and Sysex messages, so there is only so much I can do.

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Update Out:

  • Fixed Classic Pattern bug (this is the collection of 300+ standard drum patterns)
  • Various optimizations

Any idea of when youā€™ll submit this for general release champ?

No idea, Iā€™m in no rush. This is basically the finished V1, I am just too lazy to make a video / proper logos and all of that stuff that Apple requires. Eventually I will add Save / Load features, and more performance oriented modes.


I have no idea what I am doing (ms). Itā€™s absolutely brilliant!!! Everyone with an Ipad and a model samples needs this.

Thankyou so much for this!

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