Introducing Syntakt

the fx track lfo’s can modulate delay time.

dunno if you can p-lock delay time on fx track.



Looks more like a compact “best-of” machine? Interesting move from Elektron…I wasn’t expecting that, and thought we’d get something more along the lines of a Machinedrum approach with deeper machines, in all digital glory. I wonder if they still have some R&D action behind the scenes, that will lead to more exotic machines at some point.

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This looks super cool and might be the first Elektron machine I go for since the AR MKI. I just need to hear some more straight forward demos. Not sure if my tastes have changed or Elektron demos are too bloopy for me of late.


If it works like on the AR, yes you can.

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p-lock, modulate any reverb/delay/drive/filter/env parameters. Including the input filters in the FX.
Loads of destinations.

p-locking the inverted VCA envelope will give you pseudo compression, and ducking


I saw it the first time around and had to switch tabs but kept listening. At some point what I heard made me switch back to the tab with your video and thinking: this thing sounds great!

yea a UW machine would be a seriously good addition.

:pray: :eyes:

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Every new Elektron box gets the same negative reaction I’m seeing here, no matter what it is… People are clearly craving novelty, they want the high of the first time they plocked a new synthesis style. But how many centuries have people played the same style violin, with minor tweaks along the way? Making a performance and production device is so much more than scratching an itch for die hards who want to indulge the fantasy of the groundbreaking. I think with musical style and instruments, refinement is a far more attainable and sustainable goal


Tempest’s FX sliders… which allow for real time recording of 4 customizable “parameter locks” for each of the 32 sounds (yes… 32 different and immediately accessible “tracks”… though only 6 can play at once). The pads and these sliders are why this machine is my performance based favorite. The Rytm is my favorite for other reasons… The same reasons why many people will absolutely love the Syntakt!

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Oh thank you Jebus :pray:t4: :innocent:

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sir, this is a Wendy’s :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


:joy: :+1::+1:

Your outpouring seems out of place is what it means


I honestly can’t wait to get my hands on this. Seems inspired from the workflow of Model Cycles, which I absolutely love. It has so many machines and both analog and digital flavor to choose from and mix together. This will be fun fun fun.

Drinking usually works for me


Seems like the perfect pairing to me :grinning:

Homie having an existential crisis from a synth announcement.


you can modulate all external in settings, amp, filter, delay reverb settings

you have trigs/conditions to operate the vca/envs and fx sends can be brought in pre or post analog bus per track

it also has unique double notched/style filter modes which are nice for phasey filter swooshing

it does a better karplus than some electrons as the delay time is 14bit, but it’s not doing volca drum impressions

audio through the AnFX bus sounds great, but crucially although pumping/gating things are definitely not my bag, the fact that everything can be selectively taken through a ‘master circuit’ means you can really transform a pattern, and play those modifications in and out of the AFX bus on the routing page - it’s very powerful and gels nicely

FX tracks are powerhouses - not sure if this one can be muted easily in terms of the trigs


There’s something curious here. I think Syntakt brings a lot of cool new stuff.

Those stuff would make a new Rytm a killer gear. But then it would kill the Syntakt too. So, I can’t imagine Elektron making that.