Introducing Syntakt

You know this is the one machine I haven’t really explored. I think I’ll take a deep dive tomorrow!


It’s new to Elektron as well ^^
On the ST, when you select either ADSR or AHD with note hold for the amp envelope, the oscillator part is looped so you can play a continuous note.

If you select the AHD envelope without note hold, you get a one shot percussive sound.


i have been doing this same thing will all of my elektron boxes.

i start with one pattern, then when i start up my machine the next time, i open up the next pattern which i copied over from my last and cleared the sequence for from the last session. a4 is great for this because of kit saving too. every new pattern gets a new kit and almost 100% of the time, a new kit is just a copy/paste iteration of the last one which has been updated each time with new sounds ive made or adjusted

how are you utilizing this? sorry but i still dont really understand. the only time i notice this is on the clap machine. how are you specifically using this function? do you just mean the ability to sustain a long note while playing?

On the clap I really like the effect it does with a LFO on spacing/SRR :slight_smile:
But it makes every machine playable as an oscillator (with usually strong transient)


Oh, right. Like the plastic bd. Or any of the non-synth machines, really. Most are great for melodic and percussive sound design

I understand now


What does “SRR” mean?

Sample rate reduction


Really loving the syntakt! Tonight I did a jazzy thing with it and digitone and digitakt. Syntakt is using the chord machine!

Something else I did last night with all 3.

Another thing I did a few days ago where syntakt is doing this piano thing.

And another laid back thing with all 3 I did a few days ago!

Syntakt just sounds great by itself or paired with his siblings! :smiley:


I knew it, the Syntakt MIDIed up to a Virus or any other synth is the tits. Such a tight fit

OMG…I just got the Syntakt and I’m receiving a Virus TI2 today…so excited! Now gotta decide if I want to keep my OT or my Deluge.


OT of course :heart_eyes:


Lol :wink:


Quick question, does the chord machine consume polyphony or is it a matter of some other detuning wizardry?

No, it’s one voice only. So you can have up to 8 chord machines, each with its voice outputting up to 4 notes.


I caught the flu and got the Syntakt in roughly the same week and made 17 songs on it in a kind of delirious haze. Think they’re actually pretty great and am gonna put them out as an album later in the year after organising some shows and stuff

Can’t stress enough how much I love this box. I have used digitakt before, and made my last album on a model: cycles & samples combo, and this is such a perfect mix of those worlds. It’s so immediate and fun but you can make much wilder sounds. And with liberal use of the analogue tracks and the FX track everything sounds so warm and meaty. My favourite trick has been making fucky sounding drum rolls by putting a random-waveform, reset-on-trig LFO on a parameter of a drum sound (especially good on the body for the clap).


Whoa, that sounds incredibly powerful. The GAS is strong for this one…

Are there any hardware issues or excessive heating of the unit so far? Really interested in how reliable hardware is.

There’s been a couple of reports on here that could be hardware issues, but there’s nothing confirmed yet as far as I’m aware.

Yes, it gets pretty hot, but it’s fine.

Don’t know if to place an order now or to wait until I feel like the unit is reliable enough as I’m far away of any Elektron dealership