Introducing Octatrack MKII

I don’t have a DT, but from what I understand you press a button that brings you to sampling, maybe adjust some settings?, sample, and then you are brought to an editor and assign section?
To me that seems a quicker way to jump into editing, but it seems less direct to just sample and have the new sample play…
We all use these machines differently, for me my samples are usually a defined length and I want them to play immediately after sampling, I rarely go to audio editor with my live samples…
I think I understand how some people would think the DT is quicker for sampling, but the way I use samples it seems the OT is faster and allows for my immediate sample replacement across tracks. I’ve adapted my style of performance towards sampling with OT and the DT seems like a whole nother style of sampling, more built for grabbing sounds, trimming, and then building things with them, where the OT seems set up to pre program ideas in tracks with recorder buffers, and hear them come to life live by sampling…
Oddly, the OT seems like the quicker sampler to me as once your setup from then on you just push a button or two and don’t have to deal with editing or assigning, but I also find that most things that frustrate people about Elektron devices, I usually find perfectly suited for what I’m up to… :grinning:


I agree.

The OT’s daunting not because of how it’s designed, but for all it can do. With all its potential, you gotta keep it cool and be comfortable that it’s not always comfortable. I love how that thing challenges the artist.


When I was learning the OT I admit there was a few times it drove me to the brink of insanity having me contemplate if I should get rid of all my electronic instruments ang go live in a tepee with only natural instruments… :sweat_smile:
After learning its ways by spending many a long sleepless nights encoding and decoding the frequencies of life, music, and everything, I’m now super comfortable with it and find it easy. The lab remains my tepee and I’m reminded how even an OT is made out of Earth…
(Edit: it was little bugs and weird unexpected behaviors that drove me nutz rather than it being fundamentally difficult, but still)


Brillant haha

just got approval to rent a new one when it arrives … estimated time of arrival slightly hazy, i guess that is due to rewiring the units to allow Machinedrum Orange mode.

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Sweetwater told me late August. Now I’m hearing September 15th? :confused:

Sounds about right

Has anyone heard/seen anymore news of these things coming out soon? Octatrack MKII was supposed to be this month. Still no sign of it.

Mkii of the analogs won’t be till next year.

Its says September A4 and October for the Rytm on the Elektron site. Am i missing something?

You are missing the previous post

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Seriously Elektron, you have a poor communication record. Why is it so horrible for you to communicate with your customer base? Is there evidence that you make more money on products by either releasing vague commercials or by the new method of dropping one tidbit and the ghosting your fans?
I seriously don’t get it. Especially on the Octatrack MK2 as it is supposedly a fairly small upgrade.
I’ll probably buy the Octatrack despite my irritation so cheers to you. But at this point, I’ll be keeping eyes peeled for alternatives.


Don’t ever seem to be on time with the product ETA’s eh?

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Where are all the Elekron guys anyways? Has anyone from Elektron even posted here recently or have they abandoned this forum?

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I think they are very consequent

Going to pre-order an OT MK2.

After going through the OT manual and studying the button differences between the MK1 and MK2, as well as the general streamlining of the interface where buttons have lights and text on them, the MK2 looks surprisingly less cluttered, and more straight forward, even with more buttons and the added text beneath the encoders.

For a new OT user like myself, I think the MK2 is worth the price difference.

I almost feel lucky to be coming to the OT finally, after all these years.
64GB CFs are cheaper than ever, too!

I’d love to see the MK2 PDF manual published soon, as I always read a manual before a tool arrives. I’ve sifted through the MK1 manual.

The key for me, I believe, is going to be focusing on one capability of the machine, and locking it into memory first, before moving onto the rear of the capabilities.
I picked up how to use scenes when I borrowed a MK1 for 2 days last year, but got frustrated trying to cram the rest in such a short period of time.

So this time it’s going to be Static Machines/Slots, with computer imported .wavs, first.
Then insert FX, LFOs, Neighbor/Master track.
Then MIDI sequencing.
Then sampling from inputs.
Then Flex Machines/Slots.
Then creating new compositions with OT only.
Then, finally, live looping/transition.

It may require a month or more to lock in each capability, but I am determined to put in the time and make the most of the OT MK2.


Welcome to OT’s world !
You can start with Flex, it is the same behaviour as Static but it is more efficient for Slices. As the Static are directly reading the card errors or latency may occur. A fast CF is better.

Flex let you use your recordings directly.
Statics are intesting only for long files, or if your RAM is full (85.5 MB, around 9mn in 16bit).

So I opened a support ticket about something unrelated, and in passing suggested that I would really love the OTmk2 to be released, and the lovely support person assured me that they are working hard on it.

That’s more than good enough for me!! I am extremely excited (just ask literally anybody I have spoken to since learning that the OT exists) and I loooooooooooooooove the anticipation… :smiley:

Take your time Elektron, and bring us the OTmk2 that you want to bring us! <3


Very much how I feel. I’m just getting familiar with it and it feels like it’s bringing so much potential to my setup.

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Uh and… because I was so excited, I already read a lot of the mk1 manual, and read the amazing unofficial guide, and ordered all of the accessories I think I will need.

Including a 128G CF card.

Which the mk1 appears not to support! I hope the mk2 does!
