Introducing Model:Samples

yeah I think we’ll get a better picture of how it stands apart once it’s in the hands of more people, especially more Elektronauts.

I don’t think it’s fair to compare price of used and new, especially for something that isn’t even available yet. in a year, yeah you can probably grab either for $300.

I would love to see this but would be surprised as it steps on the toes of overbridge

I wouldnt speak for others…i hardly ever sample on my DT. Faster to just load samples from my computer. And i get get em JUST RIGHT. Much easier that editing on a small screen.

Everyone just does shit in their own way.
If it sounds good…who gives a fuck how it was made.
I dont.


…now, take a sec and picture the backlash THAT would generate!

After all the crazyness over the M:S…re simple things like colour?


Haha :slight_smile:

I think it might do Elektron some good to shake off the ‘that’s what elektron do’ thing that comes with having such a big emphasis on that sequencer as their USP. I’m a fan but it’s feeling predictable when such a big part of the usp of anything new, is something old.

Each recent box is so familiar instantly in terms of bells and whistles. Which is cool in its own way but would be nice to also have some boxes/instruments that are total curve balls.

Or even some stuff that does have sequencers but not ‘the’ elektron sequencer. Something different. Or a selection of sequencers like op1. With stuff like Rene etc…something Weirder/simpler.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s a great sequencer. But I dont need/want that sequencer inside of every single instrument…especially if it’s the reason for a big chunk of the cost every time.

Companies by nature don’t innovate, they just make money, and sometimes use innovation to sell more product. Elektron is a real company now, idk if it was ever something different once the dudes left school.

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I hear what yer saying.

I am so happy that Elektron goes more budget friendly beast. I am sure it will help launching new creative artists like the volca series did. We need more people having fun with synths and machines ! More people, more project, more shit but more creativity and more synths mate to jam with !! :slight_smile:


Yeah - I often come across people saying that Elektron boxes are best in class because of their sequencer, which leaves me wondering ‘how good are they (or could they be!) without?’ and how much more affordable? If I wanted the Digitone, but was gonna sequence it with a Squarp, how much could I save by going elsewhere (or buying a hypothetical Electron standalone)?

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I totally thought they were going the fpga route with these where the base hardware was established, you buy the box and the ui is generic. You could swap out :Samples for :Tone or :Drum or whatever and have a brand new machine. Same box, downloadable upgrade for ~$199.

This still looks fun to be honest. Let’s hope it’s a sign of things to come for the AK2. Surfacing all those knobs. :grinning:

You can only buy what the companies sell.

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I was thinking about the M:S, and its new 1/8 inch midi ports that require adapters to use with standard midi sockets.

I think it’d be pretty neat if the M:S (along with whatever else comes out in the future from Elektron with a similar hardware format) could send midi data to another unit by only using an 1/8 cord connecting the 1/8 inch midi ports.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat and I’m unsure I’ve ever sampled into the DT directly. I have spent countless hours curating the perfect collection of drum hits, synth one shots and loops of various types based on my ropey tastes. It was weirdly satisying and therapeutic going through it all.

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Damn… where’s the NAMM coverage?


Even the microgranny has input and onboard mic. Gotta use them more often.


no videos from NAMM yet?

I don’t think we’re gonna see much really. Everything for Elektron has already been announced it seems and based off the feedback on different sites non are too happy with their move to the M:S. I wouldn’t be surprised if we didn’t see any real coverage on them at this point.

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Well… the parallels are spooky! Your experiences are so similar to mine with the exception that I never sold my silver boxes… I keep meaning to get around to loading the AE sysex onto them purely for the purpose of getting a bunch of drum hits and synth one shots… I’m sure that no one else but me cares about their provenance but I’m privately (or was…) pleased with them. I’ve already ripped a bunch of samples from old Future Crew mod files (technically .s3m) for similar reasons.

I’m slowly trying to pull together a liveset with the DT at the centre, controlling a few small modules via midi that will be very compact, fitting in a backpack, and utlising those hitherto unused audio-in’s… with OB2 lumbering into view I’m actually quite looking forward to having a similar cable-lite experience for recording some of my jams.


sounds like class compliant USB is stereo only. (3:46 in vid)

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