Introducing Digitakt

Restrictions and rules from a brand that has been promised to break them all.

I must admit, I’m slightly gutted. I get the whole idea to target other markets and than not every product is for the seasoned elektronauts. But man, this has nothing to do with creating sound, expressing ones self or even being inspired.

Money this, features that, who cares about that anymore, we are tired. Like a lot of us, I’ve been teased for too long, each time giving the benefit of the doubt due to the amazing previous products elektron has manufactured.

After reading the horrible consumer driven strategy around the DTs, I’ve lost something quite special to me. I’ve lost the idea that elektron is a company that stands by your side in the studio or on stage and truely wants to help you express yourself through sound via their machines.

Recently it seems they are just after my wallet.


The Machinedrum is a delightfully immediate machine with a lot of overlap with what the Digitakt offers. It’s a wonder Elektron didn’t go the whole-hog and release an upgraded MD?

Dust off the digital synthesis engines, modernise sample handling, effects and sequencing, keep the jogwheel and 16 tracks, resampling, inputs and bountiful outputs. And once that is in place, add something new: pressure sensitive trig buttons, analog master effects, USB audio, OLED display, something new for performance (touch strips? xy pad overlaid on the screen?), engineer it to receive samples sent from an Octatrack (imagine sending a slice to a drum track on the fly!), etc. Oh, and please not another characterless black box with a tiny screen.


Elektron, and other high quality manufacturers’ self-contained machines are massively cheap compared to eurorack.
I think elektron have found themselves in an awkward spot where they are a premium provider of standalone boxes that provide the functionality of a 84hp 2u modular skiff box or less, in a compact single machine.
I don’t doubt their commercial think tank have had interesting conversations about the niche they occupy.


I see what they’re doing. They’re releasing “cheap” mini-products so, their full-fledged products will understandably have a higher price tag :smiley:

2k+ for the OT2

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OT2 Black and Gold System, £4,600


I am still interested, but I was a bit shocked when I saw the pricetag. Its €100,- + more then we thought. I definatly want to see the manual first before I do a pre order. I hope its coming online soon. Untill then its difficult to say if I want this, I was thinking about getting a second rytm because I like it so much, not only as drummachine, but was waiting because I want to know a bit more about digitakt… then I can decide. So… MANUAL plz!

I dont understand the path they are taking with Overbridge. Charge that amount for an upgrade… i am not using overbridge atm, but I am not gonna use it or even try it now in the near future, sorry guys.

Still looks like a fun box, would be great on a tropical holiday or something. Monetising OB makes sense, they dev’d it for free for all those years. Still DT isn’t for me looking forward to what’s next :stew:

Ouch, inflated “affordable” pricing and OB premium leaving a very sour taste.
Certainly making me reconsider my next hardware move.


audio over usb; does that mean recording, seperating 8 tracks out or both?
more importantly, “the editor” has me worried. For one thing it could mean all the parameters on screen, that would be a bummer bc that was their whole spiel last time about these features making the products more enviable especially as it was often lauded as a costless addition. TBH, I dont even use over bridge, find it a huge PIA. but I’m not great with DAWs so who cares? but if the editor means slicing, trimming and chopping, that’s a strange ommision from the freeware and may signal no ITB sample editing.

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that video was kind of cool. now i’m wondering two things:

what do the filters sound like?
does it have pattern chaining?


New user here. Also a virgin to owning any Elektron products as well. Classic target consumer over here.
I’ll be getting this.
To me this seems like a hooking-you-in-to-our-brand-with-an-affordable-sub-premium-product kinda thing. I’m here just looking to dip my toes into this brand here guys. See if i truly like it. Perhaps i’ll fall in love with it (as elektron hopes) and ill invest in the fabled OT2 whenever she comes out.

All I’m trying to do here is upgrade my off-the-computer percussion game, by leveling up from my beloved volcasample lol. The sequencer is also a huuuuge bonus. All this OB talk is irrelevant to me (at least for now…). Either way I feel obligated to represent myself in here as the “target consumer” and, being a sucker for this, it’s going to be such a significant upgrade from my cherished volcasample… Sooooo IM ON IT.


It doesn’t.

It’s quite simple. If you want to intergrate the Digitakt into your DAW you get Overbridge Premium. If you don’t want to do that then no other feature is locked away.


Advertise Overbridge compatibility like crazy, then include a crippled version :smirk:. Very disappointing. If all products required a extra charge it might be expected, but this just doesn’t feel right.

Putting DT Owners in a different category by charging extra for OB is a low class move.


Dont think Elektron are going to win over too many long term users with the ‘premium’ OB issue, especially with it coming so late in the marketing for Digitakt.
Maybe newcomers to the brand will not be so bothered, everything seems to be ’ in app purchase’ or ‘subscription with ‘free’ updates’ nowdays and youngsters are probably getting used to it.
Me? I like to buy something once amd for it to be mine and fully featured without paying extra.
Just my way of thinking on the issue mind.
Was really interested in this machine to join my trinity but with the price hike and OB ‘upgrade’ id rather buy a second hand OT - or put a bit more in for an MPC live.
But i guess im not the target for this product and people will find it easier and more immediate than an OT i guess.
Ah well …


Thanks for clarifying.

Any chance you can tell us if that wave display will be useful for trimming and chopping?

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can the Digitakt can be use as a soundcard on regular OB or do i need expensive OB to be functional and stable? i ask this question because it seems that is not been very effective on analogheat or among the other flagship boxes that use OB.

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Is it ok to tell us if it is capable of sampling two mono signals at the same time; and better yet, if it can maybe save them combined as stereo samples too if one pleases?

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so on paper it claims that it works as a soundcard with core audio on mac os with no issues? why i see on forums that has no been very stable at all or use the vst plug-in make it even worse?

See if you can find a used Octatrack first! It’ll be easier to load with samples(CFD drag and drop into folder) you can use the sequencer buttons to play chromatically,adjust delay for freeze delay features, you’ll have individual effects per channel. And you’ll have two stereo outputs to more finely mix things.

Also performance scenes and three lfos per voice. Find a nice used one, it won’t be TOO much more’

You might think be able to find one that’s only 150-250 more!