Introducing Digitakt

I don’t think so. I imagine it will be a monochrome OLED much like the Tempest had.

If this can send program changes, this might be a nice little companion for my Korg Monologue to overcome its inability to chain sequences from different patches. Then, I can also use it’s midi sequencer to sequence my Acidlab Drumatix or my yet to arrive Dreadbox Abyss.

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if P CHNG can be sent from midi tracks, p-lockable, then this would be a work around for a Song mode UNLIKE any of the other Elektron boxes :wink:

You could stop the song from progressing simply by muting the track that has the P CHNG on it.

MD and MM are already capable of this workaround, but they don’t have the micro timing.
where as DT, you can push that P CHNG aaallllllll the way to the very end of step 64. And make it conditional (repeat pattern X 8 times, and then change to pattern Y)


Nooooooo :broken_heart:

I can’t understand why Elektron would leave out something like this… After all 1/2 of this machine is about to sequence midi gear. I really want to believe that Elektron will not show up a half baked sequencer

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The Prog Chng feature seems like it would be a huge miss if they opt not to include it and a huge plus if they did decide to include it! No middle ground.

Out of interest are there any Elektron boxes that can send prog chng commands to their midi outs?

Imagine two DT’s cross triggering one another…

Seems like the DT parents are OT and Rytm.
On the track multiplier side of things, it appears that DT resembles the Rytm parent more than the OT parent.
At least it got the OT’s nose (sample editing)


MD, MM, OT, AR, A4 all send MIDI program change.
Only MD and MM can send it on a per step (p-locked) basis.

Hoping DT can send per step as well.


Otherwise it would be an Electribe :unamused:

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That’s very encouraging information. Thanks.

Fingers crossed for per step functionality.

And not even battery powered with a fun “under the Honda” light show! Ahhh foooey!


I feel you! :cry:

just need Elektron to add Ableton Link Master Tempo functionality, with per track tempo multipliers/dividers/offsets…


Speaking of Electribes, that Mistabishi character released a full Electribe2 album just the other day.

Hard to argue the shortcomings of the tribe, when you’ve listened to that.


I said it before, and I’ll say it again. If the DT gets a nice compressor for the master, nothing would stop me from buying one. How could Elektron create a “drum” sampler, and not put a compressor on it? I have a strong feeling one will eventually appear.


Agreed. At this point, lack of master compressor is my only deal breaker. I need it for live work.

Figure if I write tracks that are DT + A4, and keep all my drums on 5 DT tracks (which won’t be hard thanks to sound locks and resampling), I can record A4 voices to tracks 6,7,8 for use during live performance.
Leave the A4 at home. Maybe even trade that up for an AK, finally.

But on the DT master track, what I am really hoping for is something new and unique (for Elektron).
Maybe a Beat Repeater? Maybe some kind of master sample pitch shift or freq shift thingamadoogie?


yeh yeh i want an compressor too :muscle: :slight_smile:

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Don’t listen to me I’m not getting a DT…
But wouldn’t it be more fun to get some new exciting different thing on the old master section and deal with getting an rnc or something?
Maybe there’s room for both?

I want a compressor similar to the one on the Boss SP-303 or the TE OP-1; something with character, and capable of getting nasty in a good way.


Effects other than compressor? Sure. Personally, I would have made it imperative to have a nice tape sim had I a say in the design of the DT, but I feel that would be too wishful of thinking.