Introducing Digitakt

The velocity is hardwired to volume when triggering samples through midi notes.


My source is that Simon said the velocity canā€™t be mapped - therefore what else can it do other than respond to the velocity value of the incoming MIDI note and record that into the sequencer as volume.

I think velocity can be mapped, it just doesnā€™t read from the buttons

Well, Simon hasnā€™t answered my question, so I guess I"ll have to wait until he or another Elektron person answers it. ā€œVolumeā€ could mean output level or it could mean the attack of the envelope.

Or puts up the manual with MIDI implementation.

no it canā€™t. scroll up. simon clearly said it.

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OK, what do we mean by ā€˜mappedā€™? To me that means can velocity control another parameter - more velocity = more the filter opens for e.g.

I am reading that to be the same thing as velocity routing, but I may have the terminology wrong.

Simon said there is no velocity routing

So I am assuming that all that happens when you send velocity via MIDI to the DT is it records the note into the sequencer with that velocity

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Oh damn! Youā€™re right! My bad

Easy there. Velocity -> volume. No modulation/velocity mapping as for now.


Heā€™s answered your question now

@Ess can the octave buttons change the octave of the sample on the fly in chromatic mode?
Also, do the samples respond chromatically from external MIDI?
Can you use the full octave range or is chromatic mode limited like in the OT?

Sorry Simon, weā€™re all just a bit excited

And beat you do it too

Er, no. He just clarified what I said above, and what was blindingly obvious from his earlier statement. But the main point is you have the answer to your question from a source you trust.


you guys rock. thanks for all the details on what looks to be another great instrument in the making!


Yep yep yep!



By the way itā€™s funny that you programmed a tracker interface because Iā€™m really looking forward to using the Digitakt to make Amiga-esque music


class, love me soem crazy trackin :sunglasses::ok_hand:

little query, Parameter slides on the DT?

Feature request: when selecting the channels of the midi tracks have an option to route it to internal FX?

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