Introducing Digitakt

I think the hardest part for me will be distilling down my sample library to half a GB of one shots. That should leave me with plenty of room to sample straight into the digitakt. Still that will be a challenge considering the size of my sample library on my mpc.
But considering I don’t really finger drum much I think sliming down my sample library and running DT for one shots as a replacement for my mpc, and OT for loops and as a mixer should be great for me.

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I’m betting you can still have folders for organizing samples. I thinks it’s going to come down more to how screen real estate is used and the brightness/crispness of the new oled screen.

Haha, Yeh same here, gonna be survival of the fittest picking samples to go in DT :wink: I have a feeling I’ll be filling DT/transferring files pretty often. Hopefully it’s as easy as OT and not RYTMesque.

Guess we’ll see. Wondering if they might go the AK file/browse/tags route instead of OT style folders. Hoping the latter.

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Also, if it can transfer samples to the RYTM… game over man, game over


I don’t have a RYTM but Yeh, that seems like it would be HUGE for people that do :slight_smile:

IMO the Analog RYTM works best by itself(for me) but damn it was fun!


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The RYTM is my favorite of their boxes to go stand alone with. Super easy to make full tracks


Yes, that!

I like the rytm very much, I think its the Elektron I jam the most on. Maybe some jamsessions with OT/AR/DT… wow, sampleheaven!


I’m still so lame at saving things. I just wiped an awesome AR pattern just then by hitting reload like a moron, thinking it was already saved, but it just wazoood away to some older, lamer sounding pattern. If Digitakt can fix that, I’m all for it. I really gotta get better at this. I think it really hinders my having done anything of note with these boxes.


I feel the same way.
However, I won’t bet on it.
What will be cool and likely, imo, is a shared sample management program that allows us to refine samples in the DT, send them to the computer and then send back to AR in a faster way than with C6.
That is my guess anyway

It’s great! And with the added satisfaction of making a track solely off a drum machine. And that’s fun


agreed, I’m always doing that :slight_smile:

+1 Totally what the thread needed.:happy:


Not sure there’s a way round it tho? Haven’t thought about it long but if you want the ability to tweak a kit/pattern etc, without losing its original state to jump back to, while also having the choice to save it separately or overwrite, after tweaks… You’re always going to need to manually ‘save’ the things you want…

Actually, I guess maybe a simple ‘undo’ function might suffice!? Depending how quick you realise what you’ve done… Is that not there already tho? I know there’s undo for ‘some’ actions…

Is there anything known (or can be deducted by the way Midi is currently implemented in other elektron boxes), how they handle Midi going into the computer? Will there be Midi over Overbridge? I don’t think that it has been mentioned somewhere.
Without Midi/Overbridge triggering synths in the computer will introduce latency and different tracks will not be in sync.

DT Superboothers did you come across separate pages for Delay and Reverb parameters?

Yeah, I struggle with the saving scheme on the octatrack as well. Seems simpler for me on the MPCs and electribes I’ve used so I am also hoping for something simpler in the DT. I find using templates and renaming them per project works best for me on the OT. Don’t know if you can work that way with AR?

Yep! Exactly my thoughts! OT and AR are waiting here to meet the DT.
OT = Synth pads/leads/FX etc.
AR / DT = Drums/Synth (mainly samples from the A4/combined with the Korg Volca (layered) / Arturia Mini/Microbrute

I think the AR and DT will match perfectly together.
Then there’s the MidiSequencer from de DT, looking forward to try out some IOS apps from Ruismaker with it.

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