Introducing Digitakt

That is a feature lacking in the RYTM for sure, but watching the video I was just really pleased to see the DT doesn’t really do anything the OT doesn’t. GAS is a perpetual worry.

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To me, and this might sound weird, but i’m actually thinking of this box as a Push replacement. At least for the meantime. Def for the sequencing/beat/simpler side of Live anyway. And then some. Ive always wanted Push to be smaller and have a dedicated in and out option, with all the sounds contained in the box. Def interested to hear how the Midi out stuff works and how much control will be able to be leveraged by the encoders for params.

edit: the analog boxes are killer food for this thing so don’t see DT replacing them


But it’s not a sampler, big difference!

Fair enough - using sds drop, I’ve never found it a massive issue for the kind of one shot hits used in drum sampling


Another video


How did Elektron swing this Eyes Wide Shut dark photo booth when everyone else has to make do with the cattle market?


Peep room

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Is the Digitakt chromatic mode mono or poly ?
(Cause well…if poly, i buy it in a heartbeat ! if not…i’ll pass…)


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Ohhhh nooooo… :sad:
I was already excited to make some very weird pads and all…

i guess it’s mono. only midi tracks are poly (4 notes).
but you could make 4 tracks with different pitch settings - resample the chord - then assign it to a single track. do this for every chord you need and then change the sample automatically with the sequencer. so this would be workaround for me.

If I record over usb into computer… will my 2 mono synths on the inputs also be summed in the recorded stereo mix?

because then I wouldn’t necessarily need a new audio interface :slight_smile:


One thing that is a bit annoying about DT is that pretty much all of its new functionality could be brought to Analog Rytm with a software update. But knowing Elektron, they are probably not going to do it.


Not the sampling due to the architecture, but I really want the tap track change

One feature that i would really like is to send samples from digitakt to Rym without computer…is it even possible?


If you watch the day 2 walk through on sonic state, :3lektron: have a whole room to themselves, blacked out with those film lights, they are next door to Novation who decked out their room with crazy wall paper.

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What is it in Rytm architecture that prevents similar sampling functionality as we have seen in DT demos?

What’s the buffer size/record time on the recorder page?
It records, source specific, while the sequencer is playing (I think). This would be useful for catching loops in time.

Personally, I’m not a big user of tempo correction, so having the pattern record bpm for my patterns is key for my personal style. It looks really good actually.

Yeh every time Cenk was playing synth sounds or granular stuff I thought same thing - Would be sooo good for weird pads/ambient if poly. And would have made it totally unique from OT/RYTM. I’d have bought instant. Still prob going to grab one but would love to see poly track options on an OT2 or new digital synth with sample layering and timestrech options…

Nothing stopping loading the same sound (or slightly different) in to say 4 of the 8 tracks and going chromatically wild is there?
I rarely use all 8 tracks in a drum machine, I could see this being pretty decent to layer up pads/ambient stuff.


I’m hopeful an update down the line could bring some flexibility over the 8 voices. Sure there are workarounds but I always find workarounds to be mood killers!

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