Introducing Digitakt

trying to figure out the best way to even describe it

“Sample layer only / digital only version of Rytm without analog components, compressor, distortion, or individual outs.
Adds 8 track MIDI sequencer.
Adds direct sampling.
Costs 44% the price of Analog Rytm”


It can directly sample

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From elektron website:
A digital and highly flexible sound engine, sampling capability, a live-friendly sequencer, the means to control external MIDI gear.

It should have drum synthesis?


Agreed. The wording on the box, on the website, and things being thrown around the forum are still confusing. Would be nice for Elektron to say something very definitive, like they are speaking to a 5 year old. Just dumb it down for us. We’re all hopped up on NAMM-day adrenaline and candy. Subtle hints are not getting through! :relaxed:


no synthesis according to this youtube video

stereo sample player is assumed then no?

Yep. So it seems this IS in fact a butchered OT2, much more than a new Machinedrum. Bummer.


Yes, but…

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Without drum synthesis, I’d hope there are plans for expanding the digital effects feature set with all types of characterful algorithms like lo-fi compression, bit reduction, comb filter, etc.

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maybe its sample playbak OR synth engine on each 8 tracks?

Or maybe they keep the phrasing vague and at some point they might update the engine with actual synthesis. But the first release will be only sampling. I mean the buttons are clearly labeled kick, snare and so on.

I wanted it to be a Machinedrum but it was obvious from their wording that it was not. It is all there in the specs. 8 audio channels and 8 midi channels.

Well, it’s a drum computer, so I bet it has several drum engines available. :slight_smile:

Jonas Hillman, CEO of Elektron, told us, “Digitakt is a direct result of our passion for drum machines. Its small size and extraordinary sound engine provide unmatched power per square inch. We are very proud of our drum machine legacy and Digitakt is a magnificent continuation of it.”

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If it has drum synthsis they are doing a remarkable job of forgetting to mention it


This is hurting my fraking brain. Elektron has such sway over me I’m already convincing myself to still want it even if it “only samples” lol

Hehe. Well said. I’ll leave it there.

The backlit buttons/pads are the way forward, so is the OLED, but I do like the utilitarian design of the current dark trinity units - it looks like this one borrows the pattern system from the OT, i’d say that if simple pattern chaining in the AF/R style is missing that’s a potential shame as is the apparent ease of 1:1 pattern mapping to those other machines (all lined up nice with the OT though)

Hopefully the devs aren’t gonna be knee deep in DT code for the foreseeable future, the refresh cycles for existing gear just got longer … but for Elektron this looks like a smart move, bagging customers for whom their tech was a bit out of reach, should keep all the existing customers fairly happy too (though judging by the comments, that hasn’t quite panned out :wink: )


The ‘machine’ aspect is in the context of the entire actual hardware box … there is nothing in AIC’s short youtube link above to indicate there are MD-like digital synthesis machines in the digitakt. Such a feature set I expect is reserved for some far off future release… perhaps a $650 partner box that doesn’t sample but has the machines?

Think of this as an SP404 or MPC500 alternative, not a new MD.

Good point. They have surprised many times with things like +drives and fantastic new machine updates.

This machine only makes sense if you don’t have some of their other machines. Dissapointing to me… for 10 min I dreamed they would let you load MD and MNM machines on it.

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Circuit sample channels are named drum 1-4. I think this is just marketing