Introducing Digitakt

Yes, first batch. Hopefully very soon, but lots of mixed messages coming from everyone so think I’m just going to chill and wait it out

I’m guessing the “Master” function is still pending. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense that nobody knows what it is at this point still.

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I wouldn’t know why i would pay a dealer in advance

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Elektron invited to Digitakt demo and beers yesterday in Göteborg.


Digitakt is kids play :grin:


That’s the way the cookie crumbles with some of them I’m afraid!
I’m ok with the price I paid, it’s been 10% cheaper than the direct price - so I’m ok with a couple of weeks’ wait.

Great, im jealous of a 3 year old.
not my finest moment ^___^


Yes… I only need to sample short things. Drum, synth stabs and short vocal chops. Maybe a vocal chorus every once in a while.

Having limitations makes you work in a different way. I personally need limitations or I get lost down the creative rabbit hole…

1gb of storage will work but not if you intend on working with long loops or stems.


This feed will still be here…

Everyone will just stop complaining about when they will receive their Digitakt and start complaining about bugs and missing features… :innocent:


But that’s when the mods snap those comments off into new threads and lock this one forever…


Look at this kid! He doesn’t give a funk! Totally oblivious to the 1st World issues people contributing to this thread are currently experiencing.

Makes me sick.


Arggh! The thought of that kid blithely scrolling through the compressor side chaining settings and the mysterious Samplr like looper menu hidden on the master page kills me.

Elektron, you are cruel. :anguished:


People say they’re sold out everywhere. It’s like an OP-1 desert out there.
I’ll probably chill on the OP-1 videos a bit once the Digitakt arrives. Very different ways of making music, and I’m looking for some fresh inspiration.

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@AikiGhost, as the second i´ll load your broken guitar Amp samples that you once shared in a Octatrack thread.
best sampler fodder hehe¨
Thank You Sir for those !

as the first i load ONE BD SAMPLE only,
and make a track out of only that one.

would make for a nice competion btw. :wink:

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yep, its sold out in Germany too. But, cmon Jeremy - admit it: You are one reason why people want this thing :wink: Without the talents showing what they are able to do on the OP-1 people wouldnt be so keen on getting one and hence: It wouldnt be sold out already.

Digitakt will be a completely different world. I never saw you using Elektron gear, seems to be new territory for you :wink: Lets see what you come up with. I have a look at my Subfeed a little bit closer when the Digi is out … :smiley:

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I’m expecting a lot of granular techno and glitchy downtempo, but we’ll see. Dying to know more just like everyone else here.

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And/Or a lot of p-lock/granular pop/indie… Can see a few of the ‘our band needs a sampler, let’s buy an sp404’ crowd grabbing one of these…


I have a feeling there may be a surprise in the master section… If it was just a compressor why keep it such a secret, seems anti-climatic… :thinking: Maybe even compressor+surpise…

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I’m curious about how smooth is the transition between projects when the sequencer is running.

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