Introducing Analog Heat +FX

Iterations of hardware and OS updates released by different developers such as for the Analog Heat, the MKII version, and this new +FX version are highly dependent upon the feedback of users and potential buyers. Most companies are very interested in customer feedback and are actively competing with other companies to maximize the desirability of their creations in order to make money.

Personally, when I’m trying to create something really great, I welcome criticism in order to refine my creation. If I have ideas to make something I like much better, I will share them in case they hadn’t been considered yet and because there is still the chance of implementing them.

I can thoroughly study a device, read its manual, and easily understand/conceptualize use cases for it. If something is added via an OS update that was previously missing and adds significant functionality, I would consider that a fix.


If everbody would say wow i love this new thing this thread wouldn’t be worth reading for me. I like a bit of discussion and reading about the different opinions people have. It doesn’t take away from how amazing elektron is.


Apologies if this latest +FX video from VoltageCtrlR has already been posted:


My Octatrack wanted to know if you could turn the machine into a monstrous transient designer, and destroy mushy loops :robot:

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This a 100%


So I’ve watched and read everything on this….

I’m still not sure… one minute I’m getting it, next I think it’s far too much money for some effects I probably could live with out.

Then again I know if I got it, heard and felt that warmth I’d love it…

Hmmm… the minute the guitar YouTubers start showing what it can do with guitars then I’ll probably be sold…

Imagine…you could be that guitar player. :innocent:


Guitar: straight in? Or Pre amplification required? I’m assuming the latter but answers re the original heats seemed mixed. No mention of instrument level in the manual…


Not limited to this. I actually LIKE the HFX, but when Akai did their teaser and reveal for the X SE, I got si bored it frustrated me.

It happens

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Possible. I did it with a passive guitar and AH MKI. Works really well. Very clean and noiseless distortion.


How much of that do you know is true? Not every company had problems wit components. I think most actually used it as an excuse to drive up profits or benefit in other ways because of it. Some had issues while others are making more profits than ever before.

But yes our bills got higher, food is more expensive etc. Way more than it needs to be. The inflation does not follow up with the insane prises in the supermarket.

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With the voice of Orson Welles :

Meanwhile, at the dawn of WW3, people were still shouting at Elektron for not giving them what they wanted.


Hey, i also drew out that it wasn’t a reaction to your post (straw/camel), but your opening feedback was one of many to predominantly reflect entirely in the negative on the poor design choices (based on your expectations of what would be right for you) or solely the omissions … yes it’s feedback, but it’s a kind of feedback that isn’t framed alongside feedback on what it has, instead of what it has by drawing out what it lacks

your opinions on what it should have are likely more valuable than mine, because i don’t have a specific place to slot it - i focused in testing to only draw out only the best from what was already within it

in general terms it’s the idea that this is a ‘launch’ post - it’s literally just born, perhaps i’m being too sensitive of the feedback thus far, but the majority of it appears to be about what it isn’t - this must be kinda crushing if you’ve been sweating to get this to launch (and i know there are a fair few people putting in a shift to get there) … without going into details, i drew out a concern about one tiny aspect of an existing functionality that was framed entirely in a positive context and even that was a little deflating to the person involved … we’re not shouting into the void at the Walmart board here, these are our peers, literally in some cases coming from our peers - by being unguarded at the wrong moment it can surely be frustrating … very little feedback is about what’s in it, or it’s scathing about what’s in it, and it’s all uninformed by experience

i think your thinking and suggestions are sound, it wasn’t about your post … it was probably because your post was at least insightful, but it still added to the sense that no manufacturer can win on these terms

you know, NDA and all that, but i believe that one thing you touch on might be being considered (or was) - the point being, there has to be a release schedule and just perhaps they also feel obliged to hold ‘the icing’ back (because expectation) and also to hit the ground with a looser manifestation of their concept and allow the community to feedback into its development

again, not at you, but in general, if folk have feedback, it’s fair to say they will be picking up on these posts, but if you think about it, this is not the ideal time to be offering this … keep your powder dry so to speak and keep the team motivated would be my suggestion - in time there will be feature request threads and all that

on the specifics of some suggestions it’s important to think it all teh way through i find, it’s easy to see gaps, but then when you take a moment to deliver the reality it in your head you can see the issues … e,g, having multiple ‘reverb’ or other blocks to drop into slots is not so straightforward when you have to address each block’s parameters or assign each block a midi controller etc etc - it’s always easy to dream and not so easy to deliver - my stance on stuff like this is to assume i don’t yet understand why it should be appearing wrong to me and work from there . . these people are the professionals after all albeit that their customers have a lot of collective experience to bring to bear in steering development

i too thought about the potential in a block appearing within an existing block return path or having parallel paths that merge etc or twin mono paths dividing up the blocks etc - i’ve no idea if this reflects their thinking, but playing devil’s advocate again, it may be that the best platform to build on is a simpler one that works robustly and isn’t too counter-intuitive for the users to keep it focused - also let’s keep in mind the cost premium (and the product name) illustrates this is an augmented heat with some added ‘icing’ the heat isn’t 1/8th of a multi effects processor all of a sudden

if you look at your impressions, it’s all specific and healthy feedback … but also framed in shoulds (as pointed out) and by basically illustrating that something is wrong with most design choices for the blocks

as said, it’s probably by virtue of your good feedback being lost in the weight of the other ‘critical’ feedback that it made me despair a bit for the dichotomy the people behind this must face … this idea that it should arrive with everything and that it should also have a strong update journey to look forward to

there’s no winning … particularly if they already have some of your ideas floating around in their thinking about product development cycles etc

all the while very few people are ( or can yet ) say too much about how this is for what it currently offers … we can be patient and buy this stuff when it’s right for us, and only then … i only bought a DT a few months back, the time was right for me then, not a moment sooner

let the potential sink in when more folk demo/review and start to give the feedback in FR topics etc … and here of course if so inclined, but your ideas will probably land (and stick) better when wrapped up a bit more diplomatically - to be clear, not too much of all other ‘critical’ feedback warrants being wrapped up - i imagine it would still go in one ear and out the other, you gotta box clever if you want to see the results and we can’t avoid starting from where it is right now … choosing when to get on board should be when it’s right for you (i don’t think we’ll be seeing timed commitments for upcoming features any time soon, but the track record of late speaks for itself, i think there’s a little way to go with this … i can envisage a ‘machines’ concept where a block can be linearly mapped to a similar compatible type or maybe some routing flexibility being introduced)

all i judge it on is that it inspires and rewards me handsomely for my preferences as is, but that’s not to say there are not also things i wish it could do too - i think your twin envelope followers idea is fantastic, don’t let that be lost buried in a list of bad design choices … that seems realistic and also has a high return yield for the box’s USP list


I’d love to but it’ll cost me 830notes…:eyes:

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Careful with that


I just go straight into to the other digi boxes, just have a compressor and a maybe light overdrive pedal then use the box mixer for on the input page…. But yeah pre amp will probably sound better. My (cheap ass) way works fine on clean, but gets fizzy on medium to high gain.

Does the AH have a mixer page for the audio input?

From the horses mouth: “we didn’t want to add shimmer and other crazy fx because with all the modulation options we thought people will enjoy make their own crazy stuff” or something to that effect.


Cool demo at the end. Distortion and other fx blended sound great. Now i still don’t need it but want it a little more than before.

Its certainly cool.
But I have the original and the effects to go with it, so with that price tag its a pass.
With a sequencer Id consider it, or if it was half the price

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I pretty much sold all my gear accept my good old DN and I’m in the market for something to add to the DN.
I watched a few videos about the AHFX but somehow I don’t get it. What does it add apart from swapping out FX position and distortion?
If I wanna go crazy with FX why not just go for a zoia?

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