Inevitable sticky buttons situation

Hi guys!
I am looking into the sticky button situation as the buttons of my digitakt are starting to show signs of decay. I have not been able to contact support about it and there is not much info on this. I just ordered a digitone and im a bit stressed about not being able to fix this issue with my boxes. Is there any product I could put on my buttons to preserve them from becoming sticky and make them last like the MK1 ones? Thanks in advance

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Unsure about preserving them but you can always buy a new set of buttons for you devices. As long as they are in production, Elektron should have them in stock. Just contact support.

Many of these topics will have info and experiences, some may be about buttons rubbing against the chassis

ps: we encourage a search when creating topics


My digitakt is a 2018 model and 5 years later there’s no issue with the texture or surface condition of the buttons, my digitone is a bit newer and same - no issue. I did realign the pcb with the faceplate so as to prevent rubbing against the chassis and that was simple, nothing on the pcb or any part of the button array required replacement. Where are you getting your information from? When you say the buttons on your DT are showing signs of decay, is it visible somehow and can you provide a picture? Or is it strictly textural and can only be felt by touch?

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The coating starts to break down, its not been much of an issue for me as it doesn’t feel sticky to use but dust and fluff love it.


You can get pretty far with compressed air, dislodge any hardware gunk thats accumulated overtime. Optionally if you’re comfy to do it, take apart the faceplate/housing and remove the buttons and give 'em a clean!

A whole week passed and still no response from Elektron. Fascinating how you have to go through this to buy plastic buttons from a swedish company. 2000$ on boxes and no response from support. My friend spent three times as much and the buttons on his octatrack and analog rytm mk2 are way worse than mine. He said he just got used to it. Dont know if that is worse than support taking so long to reply.

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I hope you’re contacted soon, I haven’t had any reason to message them this year but in the past the response has always been relatively expedited, especially when it’s just a matter of parts purchase or sending me something as a replacement as opposed to service. I saw a thread somewhere about using rubbing alcohol to remove sticky button coating on some other brand devices but I don’t know if I’d recommend it, you could google that as a potential solution and see how reliable the method is as a stopgap measure until you have some contact though. If it’s physically sticky is what I’m referring to, where the coating has deteriorated and is a mess.

I contacted them in the past (like 3-6 months ago ish) to get replacements for mine, it took a little while but they did eventually get back to me and I got some new buttons now.