Individual outs, but how to use?

OK, so how will you route your individual outs? will use all eight or just a few and send the other tracks to the mains? What external effects will you use on what tracks? I’m especially interested in what pedals might be handy for processing specific sounds and why (not the science, just the breakdown).

I have no idea how this is done but i always read about how certain drum machines are so much better bc they have ind. outs. So if all these ind. outs is what you’ve been waiting for, why?


hey Muddler,
I personally want individual outs because you can obviously process the sounds individually, specially the Kick drum and the Snare Drum, or the HiHats, etc.

I also have a doubt about the way of work of the rytm since you can find 4 outs for 8 voices, so there are 4 stereo outs, but I still don’t get how I could get the 8 sounds/channels separately into the DAW with 4 outs.

I would process the Kick with EQ, Compression, Exciter, Compression again and EQ/Saturation for example.

Or maybe talking about pedals as you mention that you like them,
a saturator for hihats or/and snare, analog delay for percussion FX as the diamond memory lane 2 or the Boss DD-7.

told us what more you found about this.


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You need single stereo to dual mono TRS cables like the one in the picture.

To achieve 8 individual outputs, you assign a sound to an output (unless outputs are fixed to voice?! I don’t have a rytm yet) and then pan the sound left or right depending on what channel you want to use at the other end… This gives individual outs but saves valuable space (tempest and tanzbaer for example also use this method)

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Thanks @papawise. The el capistan has trs ins as well, so if you wanted to run the pair through one delay with one cable, you could. I’m planning to start out with the sp-404 effects to see what I like on what. Being creative is better than following rules anyway.

Two effects I’m looking at now are reverb and distortion. While the distortion seems pretty good on the AR (plus I have some great distortion boxes already), the reverb on the AR hasn’t been proven yet. Plus a good reverb is something I don’t have and really want. So what would you use for reverb and on which outs @playrecords?

The key for more extreme reverb fx on the AR seems to be to route it first PRE distortion, which will rise the return level a bit, even if distortion is not applied at all, and then also make sure for the to-be-effected tracks AMP and whole track vol is close to the max, instead cutting down SYNTH and SAMPLE vol as needed, which will raise the send levels to the possible maximum.

I made my peace with the reverb after finding this out.



You need single stereo to dual mono TRS cables like the one in the picture.

To achieve 8 individual outputs, you assign a sound to an output (unless outputs are fixed to voice?! I don’t have a rytm yet) and then pan the sound left or right depending on what channel you want to use at the other end… This gives individual outs but saves valuable space (tempest and tanzbaer for example also use this method)

@PlayRecords: Yes, they fix the voices to each pad. You can read the labels below each one.
Thanks for the enlightment!
About El Capistan, yes, sounds very nice in the digital side, if you want the warmer sound (but less flexible) of the vintage delay, try the memory lane 2 or the jhs panther.
There is no rules about where should go the reverb, even less in electronic music, but usually you can hear it in the snare and hihats. One great solution is the Strymon BigSky or Eventide Space.

^… I’d imagine you must still assign certain voices to outputs 1-4. So for an eg you have KICK on out 1 panned left, BASS TOM also going to out 1 but panned right, then with the split cable going to (L) channel 1 and ® channel 2 on your sound card … Now output 1 works as 2 seperate channels.

For reverb I like the A4 and I have a TC electronic FIREWORX. ID LIKE a strymon bigsky (timeline and mobius also) and have been after a spring reverb for a while but have yet to get one.
I’d apply reverb to whatever I feel needs it… Sometimes everything has reverb for effect, in parallel so everything isnt completely lost in space. :slight_smile:

EDIT I have a broken multi track cassette tape deck/mixer that has a basic reverb too… Need to get the tape deck fixed at some point.

EDIT 2. When I get a RYTM ill use its own reverb deffo… I like elektrons FX and there designed ground up to suit that particular instrument.

I’m still looking for some generous user to upload a video or preferably HQ audio, recording with individual outputs, if the stereo outs glue the sounds in the same way and applying a bit of process to each channel.

pleaseee, show the audio potential of this beast.


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Same as a standard insert cable, then, right? I don’t see any non-insert cables that are setup as splits, so I assume an insert will give you two mono TS to be used this way but wanted to confirm.

Also, is there a way to globally assign the individual outs so the hard panning is permanent across patters and projects and you don’t have to keep setting it up?

Yes standard insert cables.

The individual outs are always present and voice placement is always the same. For example BD/BT: BD is always on the Tip and BT is always on the Ring of the TRS jack.

The Voice Routing allows you to configure the stereo outs. You can assign any voice to be in the stereo outs or not. You can also decide which voices are sent to the effects. So you could have your dry snare on the individual out and just the reverb of the snare on the stereo outs.

This voice allocation can be global or can change per kit.


Thank you! I just picked up a new mixer (en route) so I am looking forward to working with the individual outs vs. stereo mix from the AR. This is helpful!

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Thanks for that tip.


Something like this is handy if you want to use all the individual outs.–HOSSTP80?siid=4836


I thought that the synth and sample levels needed to be high to get a lot of reverb…? Then lower the track level if necessary…? Maybe I need to experiment more with the amp level though…

Thanks for that tip. [/quote]
Cool. Just a heads up, I needed closer to 10’ and found that 4 individual Hosa insert cables were cheaper than the snake on Amazon. For other lengths, the snake looks less expensive. I’m willing to tradeoff the slight additional cable clutter to save a few bucks :wink:

Hello I wonder if to get separate output out my unit I need stereo to 2 monos cables as I work sound independently trough my mixer with any unit I own?


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I use as much Individual Outs as possible for recording. The stereobus is good to Mix in the ar efx later in the mix.

For live its good to have the kick and Snare separate and the rest in Stereo Out. So you can better align the ar to a speaker system.

In General you can get Good Results just out of the stereo out with comp and Drive, but if you really want to mix, use äs much stereo Outs as possilble :-))…


I still dream of an 8 input 500 series channel strip mixer (with neveish or api-ish strips) for my AR. Would cost an arm and a leg but boy would that be a sweet way to mix the Output!

Using indi outs makes heckofa lot of sense, assuming you have a flexible parametric eq for every channel. I’ve found that careful surgical cuts work well with the Rytm’s sounds. The synthesis plus the overdrive creates a lot of harmonics, some of which induce too much masking in the mix.

Lately I have been testing with individual outputs going into a mixer and the best advantage is the possibility to have an extra eq. More specifically, to cut the lows on tracks without low content. As those are analog circuits, it seems to me that they have a lot of low frequency content, even if they are high pitched. And sometimes the filter is being used for something else, so the extra eq is pretty handy and the mix is much clearer.

Also I run a Strymon El Capistan in the aux send of the mixer. A glorious thing indeed.