In the market for a mainly analog drum machine - FOUND IT : )

Well I finally managed to find a Tanzmaus locally in Spain. Very decent price and like new :slight_smile:
Will report back once I put my hands on it :slight_smile:
Thanks for sharing all these ideas and views.
Much appreciated,


So it has arrived yesterday and apart from checking all was good I did not have time to switch it on. Until today.
I had been reading the manual as well as watching a couple of very useful videos.
I really dig that thing. Took an afternoon to start getting the muscle memory but WOW.
Love the sound and the sequencer is well implemented.
The 2 only not analog voices (sample 1 & 2) add some flavour to it. LFO works well with most of the voices. I have read people stating that the rim shot circuit is useless as it has no parameters but using accents and flams as well as using the track length saves eating one of the other voice for polyrythm purpose :slight_smile:
I have already 2 or 3 things going on with it.
Nearly more focused on it than my DT.


Congrats. Sample slots are also good for layering BD’s snares etc. I uploaded a mixture of mostly acoustic drums and 606 + 808 samples and I’m very happy how they sound!. When I get around to swapping a few samples I’ll be glad to send you a pack if you’re interested. If / when preparing samples to upload, I recommend normalizing and using short fadeouts.


Could not be happier. That is the sound (of Analog) I was after.

That would be very nice. Thanks for the offer :slight_smile:
If you don’t mind me asking, what process are you going through to edit/chop/normalize your samples?
Better if they are straight away 12bit? What is the soft you are using to transfer, I am on Mac so I suppose SysxLibrarian would be the one?
Thanks for any hint :slight_smile:


I tried to find the Sample Tool on the MFB site and it looks like they’ve taken it down. I checked links from the announcement on various sites and they’re dead . I sent you the .exe , then remembered you’re on Mac. But I found the OSX version of Sample Tool in my archives and sent you that in second PM. I used Soundforge to trim, normalize and do fade outs. I last used the sample trans in 2018 and don’t remember whether I did bit and sample rate in Soundforge or whether the app does it. Rereading the manual, there’s nothing about samples having to be at 12 bit, 36Khz, so I think it does the conversion. Off the top of my head the sample rate is 36K but don’t take my word for it. And now I just checked the latest OS available on the MFB site, and the Sample Tool is included in that folder :roll_eyes: The latest OS has to be installed for Sample transfer to work.


PM sent :slight_smile:

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No PM received. My attempt at being of help was a bit chaotic. Anyways, main thing is the Sample Tool (incl. OSX version) is in the latest OS folder on MFB’s site. Do report on how you get on with the TM: Maybe in the Tanzmaus thread. On the whole, I prefer threads about gear I’ve got than those about gear I think I want!

I know the OP found what they wanted, but just for fun, here’s a new, hand crafted analog drum synth, that really pushes the buttons for elegant. It’s called the Recosynth Recodrum.

Look at this:

There is a good description of it here, with a couple of videos, and the price:

Very basic, but appears they’ve done the basic excellently. I think this is becoming common, new makers getting an opening by creating synths that get back to the core of a sound and technology and doing it really well.

Their home page is in Portuguese and English:

If you really like this you may want to start a thread for it, or get on the waiting list.


I didn’t know where to post this :


I want one even more now
 So I picked up a couple of sample packs and wow those kicks and claps sound awesome!

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I do enjoy his little bursts of bouncy enthusiasm
 what I have come to think of as the Stimming Stimmung.


Can you translate, I don’t speak German.

I don’t either! But I pick up words here and there. “Stimmung” means “mood”.


Stimmung could also mean tuning.


Does Stimming mean Tuned?

Edit : it means Ambiance.

There goes the s/h prices

The older models also skyrocketed.

Stimming means nothing in German. It’s his last name. You meant „Stimmung“, which can be mood, tuning or ambiance.


No, Stimming does not mean tuned (that would be: gestimmt).

Actually this word does not exist in german language (ok, there is a special word meant as an abbreviation of „Self-stimulatory behaviour“, but this is the same word as in english language).

So it is just his artist name maybe; I always thought it would be a mixture of the german words Stimmung (mood, tune, atmosphere) and stimmig (coherent, nice fitting, well tempered).

Back to drummachines: when my decision fell for the AR back then some years ago the TanzbÀr was on my list, second place. I still think it is a nice drummachine and I like its sound.

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No it’s his real name. Martin Stimming. Germans are since a few years no longer allowed to carry „artists“ name on their ID papers.

The TanzbÀr sounds absolutely wonderful. But the UI is total crap. Time to post some links to sample packs:


The tanzbĂ€r exactly sounds, like I would imagine an analog drummachine to sound, but which many offers in that category don’t.

There is some special analog fairy dust going on, that other contenders and samples don’t deliver. Some sounds of it are even more appealing to me to what I can hear in demos of some beloved roland classics.

As often, my opinion is based on demos, never tried any of them.

Unfortunately the tanzbÀr is quite hard to get now, build quality seems not to last and it looks quite confusing to operate :upside_down_face: