In the market for a mainly analog drum machine - FOUND IT : )

audio fanzine


Can’t find them…
On audiofanzine?

Ok found it :slight_smile:
Thanks a lot @elenacortes for sharing :slight_smile:
Much appreciated :blush:

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Sorry, i dont saw your post. Stupido ! i should have give you the link.
Thx @AdamJay for decryptage.


There is one to be had in Germany


Thank you ever so much @elenacortes and @loopdude for sharing :slight_smile:
Very much appreciated :pray:


DFAM + a sampler


I personally have all boxes ticked when the drum synth came along, just a cool box now.


29:50, why are the dudes that do that stuff always wearing fedoras?
Wish it was more clear when the Tempest was in use.
Poor OT, too.

29:50 seems very drunk at that time, his friend does the apologys for him :slight_smile: I think Vosnes jams are top, always very musical. I agree that its not always clear when the tempest is used, but there are a lot of jams, where he plays the gear actually i.e. keyboards, the beat is pre programmed.
One of the major advantages of a Tempest, is that one could actually set a root note for each sound, from where the actual sound comes from - so if you setup a scale for your sounds, then the result could match your key you are playing in. When using samples, its sometimes hard to make everything fit.

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This is interesting news​:headphones::slightly_smiling_face:

Great set🙂

Let us know if you land a TM. The sample transfer app works just fine. On my to do list is to rearrange and replace some samples I’ve loaded into the TM. I use Soundforge: - apply very short fade outs to avoid any clicks, and most of the time I maximise. Will share if there’s interest.

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What’s the apprehension? It’s a better and deeper analog drum synth than any that have been mentioned in this thread. Has p-lockable FX (reverb, delay), overbridge, dual filters per voice means less processing needed outside of it.
Really all it needs is a compressor afterward and most options mentioned in this thread don’t have a master compressor.

The only real limitation to maneuver around is the 4 track limit, but sound locks make that simple. And the reward for doing so is incredibly deep and varied drum synthesis.


Tanzanyofem got nothing on this:

A4 drums, DT melody:

Pure drum synth duties:

A4 drums in a track, all by itself:


But paradoxically they will all start sounding a bit “samey” when they are you main drum sounds across a couple of songs.


Agreed 100%, that’s why you need something deeper, or a ton of processing to shape them in unique ways. Frankly, it’s why I just use the OT. I love the 606 sound so much, and this way I have loads of variants of it and they all have the same workflow.


So, if no sequencing, will just a sound module work? And analog or a samples of analog?

If amenable, 1 or 2 Ramples in a modular lunchbox?

Easy to use.
Basic FX (filter, bitcrush, feeeze, etc)
Very simple to load your own samples.
Add panner and output module and done.

Well, mostly.


Truthfully, I’d rather do drum synthesis digitally and have an analog machine for the classic analog drum machine sounds. Though I am happy I have space in my setup to route an analog voice for percussive synthesis. Those are good demos for sure (better percussion than I got out of my A4 when I had it), but I still think there is legitimacy in wanting a drum machine instead of a drum synth.

The sounds can get samey for sure, but I still find them very useful with layering and processing. Good sample kits can do most of what a drum machine does, but not all.