iBook 'Cookbook'

I’ve been sitting going through it all today, and I find it a bit more accessible that the manual which I found a little overwhelming.
Even just running through the walkthrough at the end was worth the $5, as it brings all the key information together sequentially in the creation of a track from start to finish so a great way to consolidate the learning.

does this mean it will not be available on kindle anytime soon?

This is book is not availble in ibookstore for my country Iceland. So it seems like i wount be able to buy this book. Bummer :frowning:

OK Purchased. Its actually $6 here in Australia.

Dont get me wrong I appreciate the effort but for 57 pages $6 seems a bit pricey.

Maybe I am just use to games etc which most likely put way more effort into the product for $1?

57 double pages, i used landscape only 2 pages per screen, by intent. i wanted content not volume. It will hopefully grow though. $6, maybe a Pot of VB? a third to Apple of course, but invite me over ill buy you a beer back (joke) lol

does this mean it will not be available on kindle anytime soon?[/quote]
i would love to transfer to kindle. I chose Apple as i felt most audiophiles would have a iPad. Depends on demand and how much time i can devote to developing multiple formats (i hope it will evolve and improve). The hoops i had to jump through to offer via iTunes was quite time consuming so ill see how Kindle looks

Ha Ha! I dont drink though. Some pot maybe?

Elektron sells the paper copy for $45, I think $5 for a person to work on an interactive one is a fare price to say the least.

Amazing - this is $5 people. The amount of work and value from tuts like these pay for themselves over and over - they let you understand and hence enjoy your instrument - for $5.
Excellent work dev - now do one for the octatrak !

Thanks for the support guys. Trust me this won’t make me rich and i hope won’t make you poor. The hoops to jump through to get a iTunes account alone and the cut they take often made me question is it worth it. But forget my toils…

…Dogma, i would love to do the Octatrak version, trouble is i don’t own one !!! (hint hint). But it would be a logical next step. Elektron have been extremely supportive of this project with promotion so i won’t be presumptuous and ask for any discounts lol hehe

I have now also released the OP-1 version too ( http://www.go-p1.net for more details)

Keep the feedback coming, it only serves to inspire. Please also offer any feedback / ratings on the iBookstore too.

Neil, awesome work! Thank you! Much appreciated!

ok tnx, I have the 1.05 pdf version but was hoping there was also pdf updated version to have it on my Android device. however I upgraded to mavericks for ibook and bought the app.

it is much simpler. i’ve been a part of the process, and their createspace system is quite easy.
the contractual piece might be your largest constraint.

Make it a cookbook with some recipies and I’ll be glad to give you another $5.

@ Neil:
Thanks! My first iBook! purchased an iPad 2 for Waldorf Nave App and various TBMS (TB MIDI STUFF) editing templates for my Waldorf Pulse 2, Blofeld, DSI TETR4, et al), I want to learn.
Thanks for making this as it’s nice to have an interactive version. Hope you are able to keep it updated as time progresses. Well worth price of a very large coffee! :wink:

I have what I think is the A4 manual its tiny and thin. Is there a bigger manual?

I bought the Cookbook on iTunes Neil, reviewed it too, but I still haven’t been able to figure out my basic problem creating patterns.

Kinda wish you added real step by step tutorials to the book, given that is what is lacking from the stock manual.

@amnesia your manual should be 121 pages. Plus or minus. If not download and print from the site.

Neil reference is a good addition and gives people a different view of what already exists.

That is strange. My A4 was bought new and only came witha 12 page getting Started Guide. Was it suppose to come with the 121 page manual?

Neither of the two A4s i’ve had have never come with a manual either. Just the starter guide.