I usually love it here …

I’m sorry if threads I created cause you to not want to brows the forums. That is not the intent at all. It is a genuine opion asking for geniune discussion. But the great thing about a forum is you can always skip threads you don’t like or are not interested in. It is sad that I can post a totally positive thread and it may get 5 replies. I can ask if Elektron has lost focus or if the RYTM is a Jack of all and the haters pile on and explode the thread. Both were heartfelt questions from someone that loves his Elektron boxes but sometimes takes a critical view. But sadly, to many critism is not allowed and instead of logically discussing the subject and providing logical counterpoints they only know how to bash and smother. A few people take the time to make valid counterpoints, but way too many just think that anyone with a different opinion is an ignorant hater. Sad.


You know you’ve just become the guy complaining about the guy that’s complaining about the thread that’s complaining about people complaining in other threads


If you are suffering anxiety or depressive problems i understand why people get upset with negativity. Otherwise…

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I think you can mute/ignore directly from the person’s profile page.

I did miss that. But I think this whole thing is a good litmus test for how pretentious a person is.

Which level of meta-complaining snags you?

This one almost got me, but I didn’t allow my pretense to get outed(at least until now)

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To be fair, I much prefer your thread and think it’s super funny in there! Keep keeping on brother. :fist:t3:


I wasn’t complaining though :wink: just getting more meta.


Ultimately if your problem is tribalism, reductively approaching indirect criticism and reducing to ingroup and outgroup “haterz” is probably less helpful at closing the loop.


I was never friends with ANY of you, muhahahaha…:diving_mask::diving_mask::diving_mask:

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YOu clearly read this place more than I do, but then again, I kinda only come here for Digitone stuff. Syntakt looks like Model:Cycles on steroids. Intriguing for sure, but maybe not for me, despite the fact that the 12 voice capabilities are suuuuuuuure inviting! :slight_smile:

sob ;(

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Oh… yea… me neither!


Oh gods yes. I stopped following the forum for my team, after they moved away from my hometown. I lost maybe 5 IQ points from all the time I spent there. I don’t miss it at all.


Wait. … What? … I’ll respond someday if I ever understand what you said. :slight_smile:

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I moustache you a a question. May eyebrows your computer?

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No need to find a forum, just try one of those commentary shows on ESPN! Talk about toxicity, gossip and complaining vibes…

that said, I don’t think this forum is as sanctuary-y as we like to think. I feel the level of passive-aggressiveness and projection in here is no less than in other forums, it comes out when SOME people CONSTANTLY complain about the new releases Elektron brings out…I mean if you don’t like it just move on with your life and stop complaining my God…of course not addressing anyone specific…………………(everyone)…………:flushed::flushed::flushed:


Sorta understand what you mean but like the earlier post, I find this place a tranquil heaven of positivity compared to everywhere else on the internet. It’s more folk thinking out loud, rationalising their thoughts if they do or don’t like something. Also I bet most are bored at work so just post first thing in their heads for something to do, try not to get yerself down about small stuff.


Maybe what this forum actually need is a solo function, not a mute function. :wink:


Complaining about people complaining about something.


Lol. Warren Beatty raises an eyebrow :slight_smile: