I’m really thinking time to swap octatrack for digitakt

Imo sound interface is a regular thing now a days. With ob digitakt is thrning into a sound card. If you have digitone as well, u have 2 soundcards! Lol

Jokes aside, ableton should come up with completely innovative. Either a ui overhaul (as the current one feels like windows 95) or a ground breaking ableton built in device. Oh then again, thinking about their ridiculous pricing i shouldn’t get my hopes that high.

Yeah having 4 outs can work for me. I remember loving the use of Scenes on the OT and that cross fader felt a lot more natural to me than my 404’s knobs. Being able to properly slice samples would be a big plus too; that’s a process I don’t really enjoy on the DT unless it’s for drum breaks.

I think you’ve just made it harder for @Octa lol :rofl:

really good points / advice here




simple, and often suggested solution on this forum…


Yep, the crossover crew, they swing both ways… Gotta love em! :smile:

I feel like it depends on what other gear you feel like pairing your sampler with… stuff like an A4 or a DSI Pro2 are crazy deep and it is nice to use something a little lighter on the sampler side with the DT to pair with them (lets be real DT is still deep enough you could produce albums on it solo with some sample packs for the rest of your life). Where as a TB303 or a Moog Siren might pair better with the OT due to less complex synths leaving more time for crazy sample mischief. I feel like it is all about where you wanna spend your mental energy points making music.

SwapYaTrack… :smile:

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Would you compare the Octatrack to a EMU 6400 Ultra? I sold my sampler on eBay back in 2003 with all the Producer floppy disks and expansion cards.

Wonderful reference!

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You actually can sell your license for Ableton Live. I’ve done so myself a couple of times and rebought it again. I thought that I could be fine with other cheaper daws or just with Live Intro to save/earn a bit of money, but no, I know Live Suite way too well :slight_smile:

Edit: I rebought it 2nd hand as well, so not Much money lost here :wink:

I might be interested in getting an Octatrack mk2.
Can’t you have 1 stereo out and 2 mono out, because I would prefer that?

Yeah man you can set it up however you want it, the routing is really flexible

Oh that’s nice then :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s good. you can send tracks to the main outs and/or the cue outs and have independent levels for each. if you want mono just pan that track fully left or right


If you really think you’ll never have a use for OT ( which practically oozes uses ) then go for it, otherwise the combo of the 2 is super powerful and useful. But do what will make music the most productive and enjoyable for you. And if you’re all in on Abe and getting alot of redundancies w OT, then clear some cap room and make the switch

yay to bandpass filter!

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I bought both when I could preorder the digitakt. I loved the digitakt for being easier and faster to work with. I regretted it later, but I sold the digitakt rather than shelving it to focus more on the octatrack. There were still some major bugs to be ironed out at this time as well. I loved the octatrack but decided to sell it bc I found more reason to have a digitakt and digitone combo. I ultimately decided to upgrade to octatrack mk2 and have the digitakt and digitone on the way.

When I originally had the two they were awesome together. I was a fool to think I’d be better off with one over the other and have regretted selling them both. There is a tiny bit of overlap, but I don’t see what would make one more qualified to keep over the other. This round I’ll be keeping them all, they’ve made the forever list with my legacy elektron machines.

I don’t know if my opinion helps, but I’d say keep your octatrack and add too it. The octatrack and digitakt combo is killer together.

Good luck!


For anyone reading. I’ve had both. I think you should have what you want. I regretted selling my Digitakt. Sampling on the OTMk2 is a drag compared to the Digitakt. But I wished the takt didn’t have such limited memory. But I am a novice, not a pro. I love my OT and such but the takt was the first and so inspirational compared to the drudge of menu diving and complexity at times with the OT. But I know it well enough that I can do all I want and just used the USB to load up my card with ALL of my samples and recordings on the OT, so it is the master, but that Digitakt is a blast! I will never give up my OT with that Fader baby!! Love to scratch with a fader over a knob, but too bad it doesn’t allow you to record your fader movements, maybe they will be able to do that one day?