I’m really thinking time to swap octatrack for digitakt

Well, you seem to have jumped out of the neutral zone and became a Digitakter, with some lingering Octatracker in you I’ve noticed… :joy:

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I guess so… but wait until a Model:Synth is released :upside_down_face:

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If your sample needs don’t require transient snapping, slicing, timestretch, waveform zoom and all that other good stuff than the Digitakt is great. For me the lack of those features was a dealbreaker. Then again I work with lots of breakbeats and resampled melodic sounds. Setting start and end points for breaks and loop points for reese basses got very tedious very quickly on the Digitakt.

You do get a few fancy sequencer tricks in return, like being able to edit multiple trigs, or being able to hear the note you’re entering with an external keyboard upon input. Oh, and pretty visuals on that crisp oled screen.

You traitor!
You should be quite about these tendencies… How do we now your not a spy? :smile: :thinking:

OT is Bridge
DT is Texas Hold ‘em

OT is 18 holes with a full bag
DT is pitch n put (modelsample is crazy golf)

OT is chess
DT is draughts

OT is snooker
DT is billiards

OT is Frank Zappa
DT is Jamiroquai


-image copyright some other wingnut Elektronaut besides me :grin:


" Going where the weather suits my clothes"


I’m goin where the water tastes like wine! :heart_eyes:






Just to clarify - it almost outsold the OT overall in its first year.
So yeah, it’s extremely popular - but so is the Octatrack! Just goes to show how one is not better than the other, they instead cater to different needs and different people, or the same people, or … cats?


Or the same people to fulfil different needs!


Pc Ableton/ Maschine / Reaktor

Roland Mx 1 = Roland TR8S
Waldorf XT

My set up at the moment minus Octatrack.

Think I’ll definitely be reinvesting in the future just doesn’t seem to fit at the moment .



Hey now!

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Ha I hadn’t watched the windowlicker video in years.
Still has that creepy, unsettling, dirty menacing vibe.

Some achievement that AT’s poppier moments are more disturbing than his less known output.

Only you can know if you’ll miss some of the functionality. The digitakt is fun in its own right and easy to work with if that’s what you’re looking for but have you mastered he octatrack? Have you gotten all there is out of it and won’t regret it?

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Motherf…ing Enzo representing Digitakt, the coolest dude in the world its hard not to love your storytelling :kissing_heart:

Hummmm, it’s not the same price range. For average incomes over here, the price difference is HUGE.

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OT = Speckled doves.
DT = Mitsubishis.
