I just bought an OT Mk2

finger guns emoji

Today I had much better success with saving slices to the sample (I think). The slices were retained through a power cycle anyways. I also managed to trigger the slices chromatically via midi keyboard with a little help from the manual.

Thanks again everyone!

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Lucifer’s loose labia batman - 4 parts per bank! I thought it was 4 parts per project. This opens up a lot more possibilities.


:slight_smile: That is a nice way to put it.
I guess I would rather choose to say that there are only 4 parts for 16 patterns in a bank.

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Only 4 parts? The glass is half full my friend! All of sudden I’m overwhelmed with options because of this newly discovered power.


Four is more than one.
But 16 is more than four.


I guess I am a one pattern - one song kind of guy. But there are of course workarounds on the OT: sample locks :+1:

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Just use patterns 1, 5, 9, and 13 :grin:

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Exactly :smiley:
Digitakt (and all the others actually) is perfect for me in that regard

Me too! Bought a week ago.

As a learning process I start using it as “Digitakt++”, I loaded a bunch of samples and I’m trying to using it as I’m using the Digitakt with some of the OT features: effects, master track and neighbour tracks, slicing, etc…
When I will be profitable with this I would like to start using it as a sampler.

Actually I’m very happy with it, it’s not so difficult as I expected probably because I already own a Digitakt and there are some overlapping on the workflows.

The plus is that there are literally tons of vides that explain every aspect of the OT. Thank you all.

And finally…I’ve read the Merlin’s guide, I’m reading the manual too! :smiley:


Fully agree :slight_smile:
This allowed me to concentrate straight away on why I got an OT in the first place: live resampling and mangling.


I just realized this week that I can set up a project purely as a drum machine, create a ton of beats and resample those to use in my ‘regular’ OT projects. All in the same box.

That probably sounds like a ‘well duh’ to some of you, but I love that it’s possible and it is an instant GAS cure as well :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Actually a really helpful reminder: I find myself drawing metaphorical hard lines between projects that needn’t be there.

The depth and breadth of possibility with the Octatrack means I never tire of re-learning notions like this - currently been in a noise into comb filter experimentation (Max Marco inspired) and learning how to collaboratively improv with others using the OT sorta zone. In a completely different headspace (for me anyway) to ‘this can be a fantastic drum machine’ and intermittently lusting after drum machines this whole time when you’re so very right!


You can even use the last bank in any project. Set that up as 4 drum machines, resample anything you make, then use those samples without changing projects

Very useful indeed.


You’re absolutely right, but now I have all the sample slots and all the banks… :joy:

Tempo per pattern is a gamechanger for using a project for multiple, er projects :laughing:

One thing I do lately is when I don’t need stereo samples to convert them to mono, saves tons of space. I just connect to PC edit them to mono and BLAMMO gain a ton of extra space. :stuck_out_tongue:


The last bank is global across all projects in a set?

No, he suggested it so that you always know where it is I believe.

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No. Its just a good place to have set aside as a resampling bank.


Ah gotcha (still learning here)

Idem… BUT:
I bought an Mk1 and for sure it’s not as easy as Mk2, I bought it because of money and it was in ultra-mint condition.

I instantly fell in love with this machine but the shortcuts and buttons are confusing AS FUCK, the Mk2 buttons make totally sense and make the “jump” from DT easier.