I fu@#ing love autumn

This is a very Northern Europe/North America thread. I envy that you have 4 distinct seasons.

Here in the Middle east, autumn is just a slightly more reasonable version of summer, which is 7 months long, then comes “winter” which is kind of like the autumn you all refer to and because it is so mild there is not much discernible change when “spring” comes about and before you know it, it’s that blazing summer again.

Having said that, your lovely, romantic autumns precede your dark, horrid, depressing winters so on balance, I’ll take the heat.


The winter really sucks and lasts forever so I guess a big part of the autumns charm lies in the fact that after that it’s pure hell for 5 to 6 months straight, unless you like darkness and freezing cold.

Although, it is pretty nice sitting indoors with the fireplace going on, drinking tea or coffee and tweaking synths when its -20C outside. I think I’d miss it actually.

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Last week I got into some poison ivy, and this week I’ve managed to acquire 150+ insect bites. I’m ready for winter.


It looks like @Fin25 is on for another Analog Heat.


For some reason the arrival of chilly weather makes me nostalgic for rushing to a bar as it starts to get dark around 6:30 to buy some blow and play Hit the North P. I on the ol’ jukebox.



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Autumn and Fall are my best Seasons.

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My favourite season for as long as I can remember. Generally I get the most inspiration during autumn as well.

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Early Autumn is perhaps my favourite time of year. November can F&$@ right off.

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I always enjoy autumn and spring, something about the change is more evocative than winter or summer. They’re like the GAS seasons, hinting at the winter or summer to come and which when they’re here you inevitably get sick of and start wanting for something else. They’re the remedy to the season before and a last refuge from the season ahead.


That’s disgusting; I don’t have kids!

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Autumn is one of the few things I miss about England.
Was always my favourite season.


spring and autumn my favorite times but as a pedestrian I enjoy the solitude of winter when homeowners bother clearing the sidewalks…despise icy streets.

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Jan/Feb and early march are a bit crappy but Autumn is beautiful and xmas just about saves the end of the year.

Im just hoping for some global warming to keep heating prices down.

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I could rant about the aussie equivalent, moved up here from sydney, bought an enormous 4x4 because theyre convinced they need ome for the dirt roads they never drive on…

But I wont.
Autumn is wonderful, the air is good in autumn.

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Shroom time!


Ive always felt that shows in the fall have a certian energy to them that the rest of the year just cant fuck with


…and lovely decay!

Did anyone mention foggy mornings by the way? :black_heart:


i fucking love every season since my brain has enough serotonine for that.
but autumn is special, because of 10/10, which is my birthday.


Autumn also has halloween where I get to do fun things like putting severed fingers in the toilet and filling up the shower with orange pumpkin balloons.
Better than Christmas! :ghost:

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