I fu@#ing love autumn

Card carrying cloud shouter.

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What I dislike about autumn:

Spider webs in my face
Crane Flies
Everyone going on about how great it is
Wellington Boots


Shorter days, colder, dimmer, wetter, plants dead.

Not for me but I celebrate your joy.

I patiently await the next dissapointing summer.

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Why does summer and winter last for an eternity yet spring and autumn seem to come and go in two weeks?

Cashmere is for fools, I wear Shetland wool.

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Climate change?

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My fav autumn track.


They’re an epidemic and they won’t be satisfied until all green space has been replaced with paved driveways.


Love Autumn and Winter, the crisp mornings and long nights. There is just something about autumn that syncs up so well with electronic music too



Creepy bastards.

Vibration spiders too.

Sinister as fuck.

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I love autumn and spring. I feel more creative in these times.
But i hate that i have to buy new clothes for my kids. And they get more picky the older they get. But it’s all good. Luxury problems… At least i still have enough money to buy all this stuff. :slight_smile: But i might have to sell the Syntakt though. :frowning:


Those spiders are bloody awful things. As are Harvestmen.

Proportions matter.

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Wild mushrooms fried in bread crumbs. And this mushroom sauce recipe is a winner. My wife is well trained at mushroom picking from childhood and knows a blusher when she sees one. Delicious things for free.


Does looking at trees make you shit? Sounds like a worrying condition.

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Pretty much everything makes me shit these days


Look on the bright side, you don’t have constipation.

Haha. Its 96 degrees in LA today. I love autumn too though :cold_sweat:

I had of liked this post yesterday but today the heating had to go on for an hour… when the dog starts shaking then it’s time to break the bank for some white hot boiler action, that’s all until next week…mibbie…. So, yeah, summer please.

“Getting the heating on cheapskate…!”


Every year, autumn has the ability to transport me back to being 5 or 6 and walking down the lane to school with my mum. It’s definitely smell triggered and usually early October when a big chunk of leaves have been on the ground for a while. Not many things give me that strong memory to be honest but I always look forward to it and enjoy.

Other than that, Autumn is basically when it gets freezing in Scotland and I end up getting moodier and moodier at the football (kids and Falkirk games) regardless of how well it’s going as my toes get deeper shades of purple as the weeks tick into winter :joy:

I do love the dark evenings though and doing music stuff in a room just lit by a desk lamp. Kind of focussed me somewhat.